My first blaster from It Came From Japan just arrived and I gotta admit, after carefully scrutinizing it for flaws and imperfections, especially with some of the issues other people have had with theirs; that this item gets a pass from me. It's also completely possible I don't have the same eye for meticulous detail as others on this forum have, but I did check for warping and imperfections in the resin and wasn't able to discern any. I'm really pleased with the item and sent a thank you note to ICFJ as I was a late order and they actually had to contact the seller in Japan to have an additional one made. I plan on comparing it with the additional one I bought from Monsters in Motion when it arrives (hopefully Canadian customs doesn't have an issue with it as A: it is not a replica of a real firearm and B: it has no moving parts, which Canadian customs nailed me on once before.)
It is actually slightly smaller than the Offworld Inc model, but is perfectly durable for any cosplay purposes, especially holstering and unholstering which I was always fearful would add wear and tear on the Offworld Inc model. It also fits great in the Phil Schneider holster by the way. The Offworld Inc model is now off to the display stand, so people can also appreciate the light up LED's and the Daiki Kyogo will be on display in the holster.
When the Monsters in Motion blaster arrives I am not sure what I will do with it, I may just leave it boxed and hold on to it. Based on the one I have in hand, it's a great budget blaster, especially since last I checked the Offworld Inc models have gone up from $300 to $500.