Blade Runner SUSHI BAR + SLICE OF LIFE making of

Cool present ;) and build :D. Will be watching out for it in the film.

News on the trailer progress, sweet. Sounds (no pun intended) so close now :)
Yo, yo!
The Spinner build is finished!
Installing the LEDs took me a lot of time, as everything is so darn tiny!!!! :angry

These two light rigs were the hardest. I wanted to put SMDs in the front lights, and I broke everything a couple of times and had to fix it all over again.. haha.. oh well.


To light the front wheel covers I soldered 3 LEDs together, one for each part of the wheel.


Here are the guts of the model. I tried to organize everything as much as I could, haha. Well, at least it all works. :lol


And here's everything connected, prior to putting the two halves together. I did not glue them together, it's best to have access to the lights if something breaks down.


Aaaaand the sexy fog photoshoot!!! :love






I'm very happy with how it turned out, and seeing it all lit up like this just shows how much of a badass job Syd Mead did designing it, and of course the model shop building it!
Just an amazing vehicle!

Ok, guys.. Talk to you soon!
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So cool....well done on the model, but your photography is brilliant ! Presentation is everything !

What are you using for the fog ?
Hey guys!
Glad you like the spinner!

At this very moment we are finishing the sound design on the trailer, and hopefully in a few days the trailer will be online! :eek (hopefully)
We've set up a "sound studio" at Dino's place. He has this huge projection screen so we feel like we're in a real studio, haha..

Well anyway I just came to say hi.. The guys are waiting, gotta run!!!


See ya sooooon!
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Looking good :cool:cheers

Looking forward to hearing your voice-over guy/gal too

(I have that exact keyboard too… what are you running it in to?)
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After countless rendering, re-rendering, mixing, re-mixing, fixing, uploading, deleting, re-uploading, "Slice of Life" OFFICIAL TRAILER is online! :eek


At this moment it's still a private video, and we'll probably post it on our Facebook page tomorrow when we finish the promo/press text and other stuff, but (as always) the true fans at RPF have the exclusive sneak-peek! :D

I see Rubble mentioned the voice-over guy. As you will see there is no voice-over in the trailer, and now when I think about it I don't really remember if I ever mentioned that there is no dialogue in the film as well.. The whole film will be told only through visuals and actions of the characters. As we are not native speakers it allowed us to avoid a lot of the language problems (dubbing for example), but also it kinda makes sense as our protagonist is spending majority of the film by himself..

OK, so here's the video! It's maybe best to follow the link to Youtube where you have more viewing options.
Of course, be sure to view it fullscreen, turn on the 4K mode if you have the 4K monitor, and crank up the speakers!!! :lol

We really, really, really hope you'll like it!!!
Thank you all for following our progress up to this moment, and talk to you soon!



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Absolutely awesome, lovely, grungy, nasty, future, sexy smokey and brilliant. Love what you guys have done. Ridley could be shizzling himself in case its better than his latest Bladerunner. Love it.
What a fantastic trailer! Beautiful fx work, and it looks like a very intriguing story!
I'm very much looking forward to the film!