I know the orange on the sides is Testor's "Grabber Orange" but I am not sure about the red on top. I will check on that later this evening. I basically painted the sides solid orange and the top solid red. Then I airbrushed the edges and the tip black and lightly misted the entire leg black. I then sanded down the black ever so slightly with 600 grit sandpaper so the colors would show through. Finally I did a very thick/heavy black wash over the whole leg and sponged it off with a crumpled paper towel. A lot of the detail is actually obscured by all the blood but it wouldn't be a bloody trooper if it weren't... well.... you know.
I finally took some better pics of the bloody armor. I am really happy with how this project turned out, especially considering how many times I considered giving up on it. Thanks again to everyone who helped. BTW, the last pic is the armor in my home office where it is now being displayed.