Bring the horror back to the Terminator franchise

Whenever people say 'The only good Terminators were T1/T2" I always want to remind them of the 'Sarah Connor Chronicles' TV series.

I dunno man, it lost me when the Terminator disguised itself as a urinal...

The creating alternate timelines, though, contradicts what is set up in T1. There it is very much a fixed timeline scenario, like Twelve Monkeys

I tried watching The Sarah Connor Chronicles. It didn't catch me... as it once again worked with a different timeline concept than T1. And it felt too light for what it was supposed to be and had a lot of weird tropes and the Summer Glau Terminator being connected to future John (which felt like that wouldn't have happened and makes the Terminators less scary if they aren't all the enemy - which is an issue T2 started) and could do things like punch through cement walls without damaging the skin. It just felt too lazy and not knowing what it was supposed to be at times.

Zero does contradict the first movie's version of time travel, but so does T2 lol. The new T-800 and the T-1000 come from a future with different information than Kyle and the T-800 in the first movie, giving different dates for Judgement Day; Sarah believes it's August 1997, info she must have gotten from Kyle, but the T-800 says Skynet becomes self aware in 1998.

Feel like if T2 gets a pass for breaking the closed loop story of the first, so does everything else that came after, and Zero was more direct about it lol.
True. I just wish they had made the Sarah Connor Chronicles story tighter and more in-line with the first two movies. No more time travel... but I guess what I would have wanted was her story between T1 and T2 instead... and then reveal that their attack on Cyberdyne in T2 being the reason Skynet launched the nukes , as, when you think about it... the Connors were acting like Skynet did towards Sarah in T1 - trying to kill it before it was born.

After T2 the Connors should have moved south to stay away from the drop zones, and then started a resistance down there, broadcasting over the radio, before moving north to end Skynet.

Of course... the future war stuff would have been impossible to so without an HBO tv-show budget... and maybe not even with that.

The show should have been about the struggles after the nukes were launched in '97 and Sarah having to let John go to become the leader he was meant to be.
Zero does contradict the first movie's version of time travel, but so does T2 lol. The new T-800 and the T-1000 come from a future with different information than Kyle and the T-800 in the first movie, giving different dates for Judgement Day; Sarah believes it's August 1997, info she must have gotten from Kyle, but the T-800 says Skynet becomes self aware in 1998.

Feel like if T2 gets a pass for breaking the closed loop story of the first, so does everything else that came after, and Zero was more direct about it lol.
Watch the movie again. He does not contradict Sarah's earlier statement.

Where it falls apart in not fitting with T1 was that John would have told Reese to warn Sarah of the second event, but he didn't.
Watch the movie again. He does not contradict Sarah's earlier statement.

Where it falls apart in not fitting with T1 was that John would have told Reese to warn Sarah of the second event, but he didn't.
He absolutely contradicts Sarah's earlier statement lol. According to the T-800 Skynet doesn't become self aware until a year after what Sarah believes is Judgement Day. Because he's from an altered future, as every sequel to Terminator is.
I do not want to argue this. Go watch the movie and come back and if you still think you are right... I'll wash my mouth with soap.
Hahah OK!

At about 25 seconds;

Three years. T2 is set in 1995. +3 = 1998, a year after Judgement Day. The T-800 in T2 is from a different timeline than Kyle and the T-800 in the first movie. Get that soap out I guess. :p
You just assume the movie takes place in '95. Show me one place in the movie where that is stated.

He specifically states in that very clip that judgment day is the same that Sarah mentioned earlier. August 29th 1997. So not different timeline.
It was 1995. When the T-1000 arrived and looked up John on the police car screen, it showed his birthdate in 1985. It listed his current age at 10yo. The movie has to be mid-1990s and that was already a compromise.

From my memory, when T2 came out in theaters, people mostly accepted that John's age had been fudged.

The indirect police car screen info didn't really register with viewers. I remember people assuming the movie was taking place in the present (1991). It had only been 7 years since John Connor was concieved but Eddie Furlong was clearly a junior high kid. Everybody hand-waved it because the movie was so good.
You just assume the movie takes place in '95. Show me one place in the movie where that is stated.

He specifically states in that very clip that judgment day is the same that Sarah mentioned earlier. August 29th 1997. So not different timeline.

When the T-1000 looks up John Connor on the police scanner it says he's 10 years old and was born in 1985. Making it... 1995!

I'm surprised you've never heard of this before, it's a pretty famous mistake that the rest of the series rolls with.
sure... the math doesn't hold up in the earlier part of the dialogue. And Edward Furlong looked and did things that were too old for the character.

The terminator still states in that very clip the same date Sarah mentioned for Judgment Day, so making the claim it's from a different timeline doesn't hold.
Someone just doesn't wanna chow on soap. Go try Terminator Zero! You might like it, it's very good!
Hahah OK!

At about 25 seconds;

Three years. T2 is set in 1995. +3 = 1998, a year after Judgement Day. The T-800 in T2 is from a different timeline than Kyle and the T-800 in the first movie. Get that soap out I guess. :p
The Terminator's "in three years" implies "within three years," signaling Cyberdyne's rise before Judgment Day. It reflects urgency, not a fixed point, aligning with the more-than-two-year timeline left.

"In three years" can be interpreted loosely in conversational English to mean "up to three years from now," aligning with the timeline.

Also as a machine, the Terminator simplifies its explanation for Sarah and John to grasp the seriousness of Cyberdyne's impending dominance.

So it's 1995 + 2+ years ;)
No mistake.

Terminator Zero was ew.
On another note, can someone please explain why the T1000 didn't take the likeness of the cop he killed at the start of T2? Did Cameron not want to reveal its capabilities until later in the movie or was Patrick's likeness the generic look of the T1000's?
You got it. Or maybe the standard likeness is the default and therefore easier to maintain... and the mission would be brief enough for it not to matter about the cop.
Yeah, the trailer spoiling that fact was really lame.

I wish some big iconic directors would make a push to get control over trailers and change the industry habit. Trailers are traditionally up to the producers & studio. The director normally has no say (even big-time people like Spielberg).

I'm sure the producers/studios give themselves a lot of credit whenever they come up with a good trailer for a bad movie. But sometimes a good movie gets absolutely sunk by a bad trailer.
Yeah. Furiosa had a bad trailer. When I saw it I thought it was going to be about a death race. And that Hemsworth was supposed to be a young Immortan Joe. It was that kind of confusing. But maybe that was just me.
That sounds like a good trailer! I like when they lie tbh. Iron Man 3's trailer acting like it was gonna be grim as hell was a classic. Made the actual movie so refreshing lol.