BttF II Police Car Refs?

Thank you... what I needed most was a good example of the colors and the number of points on the star, and that image has that.
Here is my very first pass... I'm not happy with the two inner circles of the star... they appear to be different widths on the top and bottom of the logo on the motorcycle, but IDK if that's the angle of the vehicle's body, or the way the logo really is.


I'll work on it more...

It looks like the circles are evenly spaced.

However, there appear to be two different seals - one with detailed art, and one with simpler art.

-Mike J.

Wow... thanks for those refs! Well, upon comparison, it looks like the more elaborate version is the one used on the car, so that's the one I'll have to create. Then I'll have to custom-create the "Police" text font from scratch.
For promotional vehicles they had to remake the decals. There are about 2-3 different versions. I own an extra 2015 unused promotional decal. It is the simple version. I have photos of the promo decal with that of the original on my facebook BTTF page: BTTF archives - Bttf Archives | Facebook There is a group page with the same name with the images on it.

Wow... sweet images. :) Thanks for sharing. That's a nice and close pic you have of the emblems... that'll be immensely helpful. I think I can recreate the elaborate version from that one image, since it's so big. I may do all the elements in separate layers and scales, and then size and assemble all the bits to make the final logo, kind of like a 2D "model kit".
There are a lot of pictures of the police car and how it was built in the picture Galleries on the BTTF Part 2 Bluray disc.
The original police car went through several owner's hands. The current owner just lets it sit out in the elements rotting away. As Gene told me in the interview he has two police car bodies. Those are on flickr. One is a blue/black car that went to Japan as part of a promo show car and I believe was used in some ads. There is another police car that was built by Jay that was done in full paint, I saw that car when I was a kid, it toured the world. I don't know where that exact car is. There are a few more police car bodies out there that other car customizers owns. The guy who was building the custom police cycle owns one as well, he mounted it on a home made tank that he built and uses it on his winery, true story.
Wow! I'm glad I asked! The BR Spinner (54) was suffering the same fate. Maybe someone can save this one like the original Black Beauty was saved.

Any info on the miniatures??