Cantwell Concept Y Wing Research thread

I got a NuBee Vostok for $8 one time, because everyone was asleep at the wheel. It made that first one that cost almost $60 a little more palatable.

Sometimes it's at the forefront of everyone's brain, and sometimes it's not. Shrug.
Slightly off topic but I just found someone that has around 40 vintage L'eggs eggs. If the eggs are a generic size from the 70's then these go for around $9.99 for 3.

Let me know if your interested & I'll shoot you their details.

Thanks G , I just bought a set ...great deal.

On the L'eggs egg , where there different sizes ? anyone have the Mercury/Gemini part to compare ? Here's an image of the one I got from Guy's suggestion ( thank you Guy) and it looks to be 2.75" +/- a very little. ( sorry for the large image. Can I scale images on here > )


I'm currently working on a Cantwell/McQuarrie hybrid build of the y-wing prototype and am hoping someone can point me in the right direction or offer some clues as to what the main center body "frame" is constructed from. At first I thought it was put together from two chassis from either the International Transtar or the Kenworth W-925 chopped down and glued on top of each other, but in looking at my kits I'm no longer convinced this is the case.

Maybe from a Vollmer truss bridge?

Again any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to Photo(ph)ucket and their new money making gouge, all the pictures on this thread have died.
Can anyone re-upload/replace them?

I am on an older version of Firefox, and I can't get the Photobucket repair patch to work on my machine, despite a day of trying. Can someone please e-mail me attached pix of the Parts Maps from this thread, and if you'd like, I'll repost them without using Photobucket so that others can be spared this technical problem?

Thanks for any help you can offer.
Yes, I did the same thing to get the images :)


- - - Updated - - -

Hey Steve,
Any updates on your concept Y?


- - - Updated - - -

Hey Steve,
Any updates on your concept Y?

