Some pictures for those who are waiting on their hook
. Click the thumbnails to see the full size images.
And some close-ups of the engraving details:
Pictures speak for themselves I guess. Differences I see with the hooks from the old run:
1. MUCH better packaging! No damage to the hooks when they arrive.
2. Hooks are straight up, not in an angle, like many of the old ones had.
3. Other screws were used to mount the spring / locking mechanism. I didn't had problems with the mechanism from my old hook, though. With the old hook, the screws (or the top of them) were also chromed. With the new hooks, it looks like the mechanism was put in after the chroming process (so the screw tops are not chromed). Not noticable when the hook is mounted, off course.
Some minor nitpicking:
1. The plate attached to the hook that sits on top of the ball part of the bottom piece, doesn't sit as thight as with the old hooks. There is some minor gap between the two parts, but it's not a lot. I guess there will also be hooks where there is no gap, but my two hooks I received did have some space between those parts. (but I guess you barely see in on the pictures, so it's not a lot).
2. The top plate is also a bit more "flat" than the hooks from the first run. Difficult to explain in words, but here is a comparison pic: old hook at the top, new one on the bottom:
Since I had 3 of the "old" hooks at one moment, and I combined best parts of those three hooks to create an undamaged, perfect one, I'll keep my old Hook as display piece, since I think it's nicer than these new ones. But I guess not a lot of people did get a "perfect" hook from the first run. As far as I know, a lot were dented, scratched or had the hook mounted in an angle. So if your old hook has one of these issues, these new ones defenitely are an improvement. Also if you didn't get one from the first run, you are lucky if you are in this one, because it is an exceptional piece, that was never tackled this way by another prop maker...
Also: if you have a hook from the old run that got dentes or scrached, but the top piece is OK, try if you can combine the old top piece (with the more corved plate part) with the new bottom piece (which is basically the same as the old one), and you'll have a perfect Hook!
So, that's about it. Now that I read this, I more or less posted a review instead of just some pics... Well, whatever