The same argument could be said about the fan creating a piece from scratch or sculpting a bust or a kit. He's stealing from the studio as well, so you really have no argument there. Don't you want to protect the guy, who sculpted or scratchbuilt something completely on their own using pictures and screen grabs as reference, from being recast?Casting a screen used or production made original is considered CASTING and not REcasting and it's fine here. In fact, I'd say it's encouraged.
So it's ok to steal from a large company, just don't do it to each other.
Thats really what it comes down to.
If you are a large business of some sort, its alright for the little guys to steal from you.
However, if you are just a hobbyist, heaven forbid some one would even consider recasting your items.
Man, this discussion just gets really tiresome.
All meant as sarcasm by the way.
just wanting to know the general consensus. If you own a screen used or production made prop and want to recast it for other forum members benefit , ie as a trade is that ok ? or will you be branded a dirty recaster for all eternity?
I think thats a bannable offense sir.
Why so?
I can pretty much guarantee anyone who disagrees with this stance (either publicly or privately) will never be trusted enough to get anything worth a damn.
That's why there are blacklists.
I honestly thought this was a joke.
That's not a "stance" to me - stance suggests a moral core, it's a self protecting convenience. Recasters aren't "scum" (the word I see a lot here) they are just folks who don't buy into the nonsensicle "levels of acceptable illegal behavior" that's the currency round here.
Take a step over to a "screen used props only" board and they talk about people who reproduce screen used items in the same way you talk about recasters.
It is perfectly understandable to have group rules, but utterly ludicrous to pretend these rules are the moral highground. It is "honor amongst theives" and nothing else.
Given that I've openly stated how I feel, (but not whether I agree or disagree with the practice of casting another persons work) - do I make your furtive blacklist or not?
Nothing personal to you GINO since I know you are merley stating a fact, but the faux morality of the RPF makes me **** myself when I see things like this written with a straight face.
Somewhere there's a cross-stitching forum that has the same problems we do here.
Scum, bottom feeders. So many names.
What would you call someone whose actions deteriorate the fabric in which this community thrives?