Casting off production made pieces , cool or not?

Why so?

I can pretty much guarantee anyone who disagrees with this stance (either publicly or privately) will never be trusted enough to get anything worth a damn.
That's why there are blacklists.

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Casting a screen used or production made original is considered CASTING and not REcasting and it's fine here. In fact, I'd say it's encouraged.

So it's ok to steal from a large company, just don't do it to each other.

Thats really what it comes down to.
If you are a large business of some sort, its alright for the little guys to steal from you.
However, if you are just a hobbyist, heaven forbid some one would even consider recasting your items.

Man, this discussion just gets really tiresome.

All meant as sarcasm by the way.
my 2 cents is that there are honest poeple among the rpf members.
i would never think about casting someone's work out of respect for the artist on the time and work to pull it off.also that he's willing to share a casting of a orignial work demands respect.
i would be honerd to pay for something like that.
i own a ap stormtooper armor and would never recast it to my benifit,its not my place to do so.
and ive been asked several times to do that.

i stand for creation and not for benifit that one of the reasons i joined the rpf in the first place
Casting a screen used or production made original is considered CASTING and not REcasting and it's fine here. In fact, I'd say it's encouraged.

So it's ok to steal from a large company, just don't do it to each other.

Thats really what it comes down to.
If you are a large business of some sort, its alright for the little guys to steal from you.
However, if you are just a hobbyist, heaven forbid some one would even consider recasting your items.

Man, this discussion just gets really tiresome.

All meant as sarcasm by the way.
The same argument could be said about the fan creating a piece from scratch or sculpting a bust or a kit. He's stealing from the studio as well, so you really have no argument there. Don't you want to protect the guy, who sculpted or scratchbuilt something completely on their own using pictures and screen grabs as reference, from being recast?

If you say yes, then what's your argument against protecting those who spend loads of money on original screen used or production items, risk damaging them, to offer to the community? What is your argument?

They are both stealing. Why protect one and not the other?

But not to worry, recasters and the ilk selling their wares to the 501st and anyone else accepting the no protection of those making something that wasn't available before them available to the community, are quickly shutting parts of the hobby down.

But the argument that they are stealing... well, d'uh... so is the original sculptor and scratchbuilder. Our WHOLE FREAKING HOBBY!!! So let's just shut the whole hobby down and only buy licensed. THAT is what you are saying. So... why come here?

EDIT: gotta read the whole post before replying. Make it the general "you" and not the specific "you". To the poster I quoted: sorry.
just wanting to know the general consensus. If you own a screen used or production made prop and want to recast it for other forum members benefit , ie as a trade is that ok ? or will you be branded a dirty recaster for all eternity?

Go for it mate. This is the REPLICA prop forum so if you have a screen item then replicate it if you want.

Why so?

I can pretty much guarantee anyone who disagrees with this stance (either publicly or privately) will never be trusted enough to get anything worth a damn.
That's why there are blacklists.


That's not a "stance" to me - stance suggests a moral core, it's a self protecting convenience. Recasters aren't "scum" (the word I see a lot here) they are just folks who don't buy into the nonsensicle "levels of acceptable illegal behavior" that's the currency round here.

Take a step over to a "screen used props only" board and they talk about people who reproduce screen used items in the same way you talk about recasters. It is perfectly understandable to have group rules, but utterly ludicrous to pretend these rules are the moral highground. It is "honor amongst theives" and nothing else.

Given that I've openly stated how I feel, (but not whether I agree or disagree with the practice of casting another persons work) - do I make your furtive blacklist or not?
That's not a "stance" to me - stance suggests a moral core, it's a self protecting convenience. Recasters aren't "scum" (the word I see a lot here) they are just folks who don't buy into the nonsensicle "levels of acceptable illegal behavior" that's the currency round here.

Scum, bottom feeders. So many names.
What would you call someone whose actions deteriorate the fabric in which this community thrives?

Take a step over to a "screen used props only" board and they talk about people who reproduce screen used items in the same way you talk about recasters.

I spend quite a bit of time on the screen used props forums. And in the SW circles I'm well known. Not everyone feels that way about replica prop builders. In fact I'd say most don't. Many of them have replicas as well as screen used items in their collections.
BTW, where do you think the cast off original items we have come from?

It is perfectly understandable to have group rules, but utterly ludicrous to pretend these rules are the moral highground. It is "honor amongst theives" and nothing else.

It is a moral high ground within our illegal hobby. As high as one could go.

Given that I've openly stated how I feel, (but not whether I agree or disagree with the practice of casting another persons work) - do I make your furtive blacklist or not?

Yes with that stance, you've made mine as well as many others.
But with that stain not only blocks the sharing of rare items, but also information.

Nothing personal to you GINO since I know you are merley stating a fact, but the faux morality of the RPF makes me **** myself when I see things like this written with a straight face.

If the "faux" morality of the RPF makes you sick, then leave your prop collection by the door on your way out.
Somewhere there's a cross-stitching forum that has the same problems we do here.

i think i know that forum , There was a mrs Molly Johnston (if that is her real name) who was caught doing copies of a 17th century Tapestry. She's blacklisted now though, Phew!!!!!:lol:lol:lol
On one hand people want the closest possible replica to what's on screen, and what is closer than a casting of that actual item? But it kinda takes the fun out of the prop making aspect of the hobby right? Like tracing a drawing.
Thanks guy's i think i'm pretty clear on this now. So Who is interested in a cast from a "screen used" vader Penis pump? It can be seen quite clearly on the bench in vaders chamber as he is so rudely interupted. Anyone? this will be a limited run.
Scum, bottom feeders. So many names.
What would you call someone whose actions deteriorate the fabric in which this community thrives?

Well that would depend if I agreed with you that recasting "deteriorated the fabric" of the community - it's a front loaded question.

I don't consider them "scum" - in the same way I don't consider people who encourage "Anything cast off screen used original or production made, it is not only fine, but highly encouraged." as scum. I've been here for a while and I have yet to see anyone make any sense of this as a moral issue but it's always presented as sutch.

Surely you can see that the arbitrary moral line you draw between someone "re"casting a fan made piece and casting a production made piece is just a convenience - you (we) protect our own craftsmen and demonize those that don't follow the rules. Nothing wrong with that in principle (as I have said) as a rule - but to pretend it's moral and somehow "good" and label those that don't agree as "bad" is sheer idiocy.

I understand the blacklist - as an Artist I would never knowingly sell work to someone I suspected might reproduce it, but can you see the difference between an artist who feels that way and a forger saying the same? Once you relinquish the moral ground you can't pick and choose "Casting production props - GOOD / recasting fan made repros - BAD" and expect to be taken seriously in the real world.

Note - just saying out loud that I don't think it's an issue of good vs bad (with no real comment on whether I would support or encourage the practice of re/casting itself) has had people telling me I don't belong in the RPF. Do you agree with that - that somehow we should all be signing the "recasters are SCUM" manifesto otherwise we don't have a place on a board about replica props?

(Sorry to address just you G - I'm not pointing fingers, I singled you out since you seem to be an old hand here and capable of stringing a sentence together rather than just rattling out the same old "burn the witch / if you don't like it leave / are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party" baloney.)