Colin Cantwell X-Wing

This sucks J.

There's a "Report Abuse" link a the top of that blog and the very first item in the web form for that is "Defamation/Libel/Slander." If this doesn't qualify as one or all three I don't know what would.

If I were you I wouldn't hesitate to report this anonymous l!mpd!ck.
They don't shut down blogs for that - free speech and Google... he's free to lie as much as he wants to.
Seriously, looking for the nice build!

On other topics . . . report the post on the RPF (I did on both). Douches like that need to go away.
Besides, it makes me wonder who this guys so called source is inside "efx" . . . more than a few know how that whole deal ended . . . with Jason getting the stinky end of the stick. And I know he STILL would not have recast to "get even"

What a ****** . . . if he wants to throw that kinda BS accusation around, GO START YOUR OWN THREAD!!! And you BEST bring proof to the table!


(Awaiting his "I'm a recaster too" blogpost!)
Naw, the MR thing ended politically, but I didn't get a shaft - it was a nice professional end. Plus, the Fett helmet came out before "the end" so a revenge theory doesn't make any sense timeline-wise... I have nothing but love for the MR and eFX people.

These kinds of rumors pop up from time to time, and are part of being "out there" in the hobby, I guess. Learning to deal with them and not let them get to you is an incredibly valuable skill I finally learned...
That sucks Jason. I hope all ends well with the roof and the car.

Oh, and screw this guy. If your going to accuse somebody of something, try showing proof.
Thanks man, it ends well, sure... just a month or two to get back the buffer we like to have, and then start saving for the next House-tastrophie.