Constantine Brass Knuckles

Here's some updates.

Still a ways to go, but getting closer.

I have to align all the rings of text up, and redraw the floral stuff.


Thanks Wackychimp..
Thanks TimDrakeRobin for the font.

Thanks, but I did it really fast just to get something started.
I can do a much better/accurate job.

What if the word was supposed to be Continuum?

They might have measured the sentence wrong and just added the extra letters to fill up the space. That could be why there is a blob between the T and the N.

I have no clue on SPORAT. It could mean sport???
I never studied latin. I just searched on the internet.

Originally posted by TimDrakeRobin@Jan 19 2006, 01:15 AM


TimDrakeRobin, do you have a quality shot like this one of the entire floral section?

This pic is really clean...

Thank u Franz for getting this project going cuz this must be done :) .
I started a thread on this a while back but never got around to showing my progress. But i did start with the pattern. Then my son was born and now my time is his time. I just thought id share what i have done, Ill be watching this thread.


Franz et al., I just have to tell you, I've been watching this thread from its inception and I am totally impressed not only by the beautiful work you're doing, but by the terrific way you are collaborating to pull together the necessary information and materials.

I knew there was a good reason I joined the RPF.

You guys rock. :D
Hey, thanks for the comments. I'm just glad that others here are interested in this thread also. I've seen a lot of threads I'm interested in die a slow horrible death. :D

Fejk, good start.

Here's a pen sketch of the floral pattern. I'll redo it in vector to get it real clean and fix up the borders and stuff.


The hardest part is deciding how to physically produce it. My friend suggested that we can laser cut all the pieces out of plastic and then make a mold.

Then we can cast them out of bronze. I have no clue how to do this right now.

I like the idea of waterjet cutting the knuckles then etching it in the metal, but I don't know anything about acid etching.

The laser etching only works on the surface of the metal and I'm not sure that people would like that idea or not because it won't have the depth of the original.

Any suggestions on the process would be greatly appreciated.


I think either hand sculpting the knuckles in clay or cuting them in plastic is a great idea, as you would want these to be cast in brass. And you need the depth that the prop lettering has.In the film they are supposed to be a bunch of relics melted down and made into on oober holy relic.
I dont know much about metal casting but i think the details like the lettering around the holes would be lost. I think you would have to do those afterwards.

Someone had the idea of coldcasting.
I'm not sure either, but seeing as the movie prop was cast and had all the lettering in a specific font there has to be some way to do it lol.
Wow. I just read this whole thread... I wish I had something to contribute to this project, but since I don't I will just continue to watch all the great work you are doing. This is going to be really cool..

What you could do is have it lasercut in acrylic in several layers and have it cast in brass by a foundry using the lost wax technique. The small lettering shouldn't be a problem. I am currently making brass cast voyager omnis and they have small lettering as well which comes out great.

2 things to keep in mind with cast brass are that your master needs to be bigger than the actual prop because of the shrink factor you get with cast metal (the foundry can tell you what percentage that will be) also cast brass can have miniscule airpockets underneath the surface which can make the cleanup and polishing a b**ch.

good luck with this project which i'll be following with great interrest while i will continue work in the lighters :D


I'm sure quite a few people will be interested in these being cast if you have the means, that is once the design is finalized. Which I think should be quite soon. What do you gather the cost might be?
Here is the vector version of the Floral Pattern.

The right side of the original prop had a cleaner pattern than the left.

I idealized the design and cleaned it up like I think it should have looked.

I really didn't want to duplicate the bad casting they had.

The outside border isn't correct. I'll fix up once I get a good outline for the Knucles. I'll have to scale it to whatever Brass Knuckle pattern we use.


