Coolmodels at it again..recasting

Plain simple: Recasters are no-talent-hacks who look into making a quick buck, and they will cheat, steal, lie, betray and just screw anyone over to do so. We don't want to be involved with these types of people.

We, here, are builders, designers, hobbyists, researchers, collectors, engineers, craftsmen, enthusiasts, life-long product-fabricators, costume-makers, and fans who never grew-out of those things that, partially, defined our childhoods and, today, defines our community-bond.

Although money is a big part of the game, as with most hobbies, our motivation is the self-fulfillment, compensation, and recognition, this rare hobby brings to each one of us. Because we know of the hardships of building something out of blurry screen-grabs, we admire and respect each other's efforts and achievements; therefore, recasting another hobbyist's work is beneath us.

Molding something, and casting, is something a monkey can do. Building something to be molded can only be done by talent, experience, knowledge and instinct. We honor those ingredients. Recasters don't.

one of the best things i've read on here, well said :thumbsup

Plain and simple. People who recast are thieves. They should be put in a blender, crushed and melted, and them put together again and killed 4 or 5 more times.

Recasting sucks. Don't try to figure out what KIND of recasting is okay, its all bad. I can't imagine someone busting their butt and creating something amazing, then having Mr. X sell their work on ebay.

Bad form, bad ethics, bad everything. Recasters SUCK!

Plain simple: Recasters are no-talent-hacks who look into making a quick buck, and they will cheat, steal, lie, betray and just screw anyone over to do so. We don't want to be involved with these types of people.

We, here, are builders, designers, hobbyists, researchers, collectors, engineers, craftsmen, enthusiasts, life-long product-fabricators, costume-makers, and fans who never grew-out of those things that, partially, defined our childhoods and, today, defines our community-bond.

Although money is a big part of the game, as with most hobbies, our motivation is the self-fulfillment, compensation, and recognition, this rare hobby brings to each one of us. Because we know of the hardships of building something out of blurry screen-grabs, we admire and respect each other's efforts and achievements; therefore, recasting another hobbyist's work is beneath us.

Molding something, and casting, is something a monkey can do. Building something to be molded can only be done by talent, experience, knowledge and instinct. We honor those ingredients. Recasters don't.

But isn't this what Lemarchand did?

He took an item. Recast it. Sold it on eBay. Now he's upset that someone has recast his recast.

Everybody on this forum has a different opinion on what is falls into the category of 'bad recasting' and it has been discussed to death. For me making molds of screen used items or items that have been out of production for a long time, never to be made again are fair game. Hell, if i decide i will never make another Orbo gun, Recall uzi, constantine lighter or another prop i make, people can make molds of my stuff.

I made a mold of my screen used Starfighter pistol and indeed sell copies of it.

I have been recast more often, but what i don't like about Coolmodels is that he will just dump Everything in rubber, will lie about having done it and even use your pictures to put on his boxes.

All of us here have a different stance on the recasting issue, but we all live by some sort of code. Coolmodels doesn't have a code, he just jumps anything he gets in his hands in rubber to make a fast buck. And THAT is what rubs me wrong about this guy.
What is funny is to see some who yell recaster, but they have them in thier collection, LOL.
If it is a studio prop it is fair game, always has been, and sorry to say, screaming and yelling and pointing fingers will not stop anything, and just get all pissed off at one aonther.

Coolmodels stuff really suck, I have had people try to get me to build thier stuff, and it is 110% junk plan and simple.

It all comes down to the individual who is buying it, and how bad you want it.
But isn't this what Lemarchand did?

He took an item. Recast it. Sold it on eBay. Now he's upset that someone has recast his recast.


He recast a legitimate item that belongs to him. I'm not saying he is the owner of any copyright, intellect property, or in any position to legally recast the item. I'm just saying he bought the screen-used item, which not just anyone can buy or obtain. That, in itself, is considered a paraded achievement, here. This is another Step recasters skip.

You might want to review the RPF's rules, which will answer your questions with more detail. Many people have got mixed ideas about what's good and wrong, but our rules, for as self-contradicting as they can be, keep the order and peace.

During the first years of the RPF, the forum used to be split into civil wars. Since the rules were introduced and enforced, our community has been a very enjoyable place to hang and be productive. The system works.

If people are not happy with the system, or the rules, they shouldn't be here. I'm sure there are forums with more demanding rules.
Coolmodels stuff really suck, I have had people try to get me to build thier stuff, and it is 110% junk plan and simple.

Typical recaster quality. They couldn't care less about quality control. "If you like it, good. If you don't like it, too damn bad."

People do get what they pay for.
But isn't this what Lemarchand did?

He took an item. Recast it. Sold it on eBay. Now he's upset that someone has recast his recast.


No, he CAST it. Its not a RECAST till someone else makes a mold using a cast of an original item.
These people piss me off. If you don't have the talent to do things on your own then too bad. Don't steal other peoples hard work. I appreciate the talent on this forum and when I see these threads it makes me feel bad for all the talented people who are getting ripped off.
I received a message back from coolmodels. Apparently for him anything is game. If you can buy it from someone, you can dump it in rubber. Maybe we should buy everything he has for sale, dump everything in rubber and sell it at half his prices :D
I received a message back from coolmodels. Apparently for him anything is game. If you can buy it from someone, you can dump it in rubber. Maybe we should buy everything he has for sale, dump everything in rubber and sell it at half his prices :D
Though, the idea is to get back at him, you are also hurting the very ones he's hurting with his recasting - you end up hurting those you want to help protect. He couldn't care less if you recast him, as he has no emotional connection to any of the items he sells. He didn't make them, he doesn't know their details and why they are as they are, he didn't spend a hell of a lot of time making them... he just dumped a piece of plastic in silicone, nothing more. You won't hurt him like that.
ofcoarse recasting wouldn't be an option, i was just kidding.

but Kev, please enlighten us, what did you hear about lawyers :D
i have seen his stuff upclose as well. I would be ashamed to sent out that kind of quality to ANY of my buyers

I saw one of his GQ nebulizers firsthand. Coolmodels/Arsenal models poured through the bottom of the handle but about a bazillion air bubbles were trapped on the flat surface on the castings back end. Looked like hours of work just opening the holes so they could be filled.

If you noitce, all his stuff is off ebay, I do beleive. He got treated to a lawyer Thursday LOL..

He back up and running. Everybody hurry, you don't want to miss out on getting a cylon centurian bobble head doll.

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I just noticed that he has posted a bunch of stuff on ebay. Some neat items but a quick search through RPF means I will never buy from this guy.
Earlier this year, I bought a Jayne Cobb's 1911 Colt Pistol from Coolmodels. I compared it to the movie, and I knew I got took. There is no way to save it. The funny thing to me is that he used tape to cover numbers or something else, and the tape looked so real, I tried to remove it. I felt foolish.