DCUO FLASH (Armored)

If I made a foam shoulder and a cardboard shoulder with the same foam templates. The cardboard one would have the better shape if you went straight from the templates on to the material you were using without any modding to the part afterwards. You're going to coat it and sand it the same way without needing any filler really if you do it right.

Just an alternative for people who can't get foam.
really! so the foam Captain America file that JFCustom made can be done in cardboard? or are we just talking armour here?
and what cardboard would you recommend for it? like big cardboard boxes, cereal boxes? obviously there is different types and thickness?
Have you ever seen blackdynamo's iron man build in cardboard form? It's looks really impressive even in cardboard form. I think it was just regular old cardboard boxes. I've made a lot of stuff in cardboard and detailed it in foam. Looks pretty awesome to be honest.
hmmmmmm I will have a look and see if I can get some carboard then and give it a go, not gonna cost me anything if I can't get it to work except for time so worth a shot :) and foam pep templates work with cardboard correct?
Let me go on my computer. I'll post some stuff here. They work great. A lot of people have caught on this on their own. I wanted to cover this cause I wasn't understanding the rigid foam craze. I figured CB would be easier and cheapaer. I guess it depends on the person.
here's some RoboCop Parts I was working on.
(sorry for the blurred pic)

Here's BlackDynamo's Iron man

Here's a great example of from RPF member MrGzilla.

If you were you give this coats of resin you could honestly just eliminate the lines with some sanding and not really need filler.


That's pretty much it. Nothing really complicated about it.
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Ok dude you have sold me on it!! Those examples are nothing short of awesome!!! Gonna hunt for some CB boxes tomoz haha!!!
yeah man, if you keep the seems tight and clean, so much less work later. You could mix and match on what parts you need flexible with Foam and what parts you need rigid with CB. Works out well in the end. Up to the builder really.

Blackdynamo1 mixed and matched and the paint job turned out pretty even on both mediums. He made his abs in foam and left them flexible. Same with the neck I believe.
yeah, I was thinking just make the armour freehand from foam and hot glue it to an undersuit.... the helmet needs pepping though.
What is this draping method you speak of?
Basically, draping is when you hold a cheap fabric up to a body shape and pin and cut until it looks like what you want. You can start with a basic pattern and then add and subtract fabric until the shape emerges, then use that to make the real pattern. In this case, cut out foam and tape it together until the shape emerges, then turn that into your true pattern piece.
Yeah I have already talked to him regarding his Flash work, still gonna have a try at it myself first and see how it turns out if not I will be saving up for his cowl coz its awesome!!
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