Death Star Turret part map and parts run


Master Member
Hi guys, thanks to Wasili's kit offering, and my desire to build this in time for Jerseyfest, I'm going full-crazy with the parts. Thanks to Eric letting me use his photos of unpainted placed parts, and Craig for loaning some of the parts for casting and some IDs, and every one else that helps these things along the way!

There will be a full set of greeblies cast for you guys, for sale some time in September. In the mean time, I am sending the parts I have on hand off tomorrow to get clayed up! I'm also taking to an RC tank enthusiast about motorizing the thing...

So, let's do some parts maps!

ANH Death Star Turret Parts Maps

I started clipping and going through kits yesterday, and have made these this morning (Updated thanks to Craig and Eric!):


1. Bandai 1/15 Hummel
(Below #1 is another part from a 1/15 Bandai kit - fellas?)
2. Bandai 1/48 Panther G (also in King Tiger, Jagdtiger, etc)
3. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
4. Nichimo 1/35 Tiger-II
5. Peerless 1/35 1 1/2 Ton
6. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
7. Nichimo 1/35 Tiger II
8. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
9. Bandai 1/15 Hummel
10. Fujimi 1/76 Sherman w/ Jeep
11. Bandai 1/48 88mm/8ton
12. Aurora 1/600 Forrestal/Saratoga
13. Nichimo 1/35 Tiger II
14. Bandai 1/15 Hummel
15. Bandai 1/15 Stug
16. Bandai 1/15 Stug 4
17. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
18. Tamiya 1/12
19. Scratchbuilt
20. Bandai 1/24 M60
21. Aurora 1/600 Saratoga
22. Aurora 1/600 Saratoga



23. AMT 1/25 Freuhauf Tanker
24. Airfix 1/24 ME 109
25. Nichimo 1/35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger II (Henschel turret)
26. Bandai 1/24 M60
27. Bandai 1/24 Jagdpanther
28. Banda 1/15 Stug 4
29. Bandai 1/48 Matilda
30. Bandai 1/24 Jagdpanther
31. Fujimi 1/76 Panther G
32. AMT 1/25 Freuhauf Tanker
33. AMT 1/25 Freuhauf Tanker
34. Bandai 1/24 Jagdpanther
35. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
36. Nichimo 1/35 Pz.Kpfw.VI Tiger II (Henschel turret)
37. Bandai 1/24 Panther G
38. Panzer IV (Is this supposed to be the Panzer III M/N?)
39. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
40. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
41. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
42. Nichim 1/500 Yamato
43. Bandai 1/48 8ton semi truck



44. Revell 1/32 Mig 21
45. Heller 1/400 La Seine
46. Bandai 1/48 Matilda
47. Hasegawa Yamato
48. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
49. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
50. Tamiya 1/16 Sherman
51. Tamiya 1/12 Honda F1 ?
52. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
53. Aurora Sealab
54. Aurora Sealab
55. Airfix Graf Spee
56. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
57. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
58. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
59. Bandai 1/48 Panther G



62. Aurora 1/600 Saratoga
63. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
64. Fujimi 1/76 Sherman w/ Jeep
65. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
66. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
67. Nichimo 1/35 Tiger II
68. Bandai 1/24 M60
69. Bandai 1/48 Matilda
70. Airfix 1/24 Mustang
71. Bandai 1/48 Matilda
72. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
73. Bandai 1/15 Hummel
74. Bandai 1/15 Hummel
75. Bandai 1/24 Panther G
76. Bandai 1/24 M60
77. Peerless Max 1/35 1 1/2 Ton
78. Tamiya 1/35 8-Rad
79. AMT 1/25 Freuhauf Tanker
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80. Amt 1/25 Fruehauf Trailer (?)
81. AMT 1/25 - Movin' On (?)
83. Aurora M8 Munitions Carrier
84. Tamiya 1/35 M10 Tank Destroyer
85. Fujimi 1/76 Jeep?
86. Droid Strip with Tamiya Kampfpanzer Leopard (thanks, Scott!)
87. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
88. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
89. Fujimi 1/76 Sherman
90. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
91. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
92. Bandai 1/24 Messerchmitt ME109
93. Bandai 1/24 Panther G
94. Bandai 1/48 Panther G



96. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
97. Airfix 1/24 ME 109
98. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
99. Bandai 1/15
100. Bandai 1/48 Matilda
101. Bandai 1/15 Hummel
104. Bandai 1/48 Panther G



105. Fujimi 1/76 Jeep
106. Fujimi 1/76 Jeep
107. AMT 1/25 Frehauf Tanker
108. Fujimi 1/76 Jeep
109. Nichimo 1/500 Yamato
110. Bandai 1/24 Messerchmitt ME109
111. Fujimi 1/76 Sherman w/ Willy's Jeep
112. Bandai 1/24 M60
113. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
114. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
115. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
116. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
117. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
118. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
119. Bandai 1/48 Matilda
Then my brain had a break from reason and I jumped to)
200. Tamiya 1/35 M36 Jackson
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Below 1. Is another part from Bandai 1/15
74. is not Hummel. Above 74. (vents) is Hummel
Under 79. contains at least 4 more parts.

87. Bandai 1/48 Panther G (?) > correct
88. Bandai 1/48 Panther G (?) > correct
105. Fujimi 1/76 Jeep
106. Fujimi 1/76 Jeep
108. Fujimi 1/76 Jeep? > correct
113. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
114. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
119. Bandai 1/48 Matilda
200. Tamiya 1/35 M36 Jackson
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Starboard side of turret. Right next to 64, there are two more parts unnumbered.

Part 112 is sitting on another unnumbered part.

Steps all over base and turret are def injection molded (you can see the seamline). Where do they come from ? Btw, what brand was Meddings and co. using for Anderson craft, using portholes and such ?

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Thank you! So 102 and 103 are also Bandai 1/48 Panther G?

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Thanks again!!
So which kit does part #99 come from?
I checked three of mine last night and was not seeing it.
Below 1. Bandai 1/15 Panzer IV
99. Bandai 1/15 Panzer IV (trimmed, as the cogs of the wheel are trimmed down, and inside is cut), also in Hummel

102. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
103. Bandai 1/48 Panther G
Missing pieces!

203. Aurora Saratoga/Forrestal
204. Bandai 1/15 Stug


206. AMT 1/25 K-123



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209 looks like a crane maybe, or leaf springs?

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208 and 208a refer to the two parts on the Freuhauf part. The notched rectangle and the pokey-outey cylinder.
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Ah thanks Wasili. Forgot it was Leopard when I posted over on SSMs that it was the Chieftain. Gotta stop sniffing glue.

More parts missing than I remembered on this. 206 looks like a battery, doesn't it? I swear I've seen 207 before but can't remember where.

Don't forget the Leopord part sitting on top of the droidstrip. Great find by Scott Graham

202. Tamiya 1/35 Kampfpanzer Leopard (not A4)

92. Bandai 1/24 Messerchmitt ME109 (trimmed)
part was already correct, but needs to be trimmed.