Sr Member
If han wasn't busy stroking Luke, he coulda taken all 3 out.
i also have the faith that han could have taken out all three. its dumb that he didnt. three tie fighters shooting at the guy thats trying blow up the death star = three targets that need to be fired upon. lets consider how he acted; in the cantina he shot greedo first/second, with out question/remorse. 3 ties = 3 targets.
I was all over as far as TIEs were concerned by the time he was stroking Luke.
Look out!
It's within the range of believability that the elimination/scattering of TIEs happened quickly enough to prevent Han from shooting more than one.
but to prevent him from giving chase to the one that got away? isnt the falcon the fastest ship in the galaxy? "oh look there that one goes, better shoot that one too!"
lol, i understand that it happened and there's really no room to change things, but its just never ever actually made any sense that this happened.
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