Disgusting creatures! Who has a Jawa?

You think it'd be that easy? I'm not much on electronics. Thanks for the advice though. I'll check it out.
Yeah, I think it could work fairly easily. I don't know how to hook up the sensor to it though, but we have some electronics geniuses here like hyperdyne. I'm sure someone can help.

This part is for the guys who have their Jawa finished. Is the inner cloak a full cloak or more like Vaders inner cape?
</SPAN><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>TallDarkandDisfigured wrote:<HR></TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS=$row_color>This part is for the guys who have their Jawa finished. Is the inner cloak a full cloak or more like Vaders inner cape?</TD></TR><TR><TD><HR></TD></TR></TABLE><SPAN CLASS=$row_color>

There's a shot of Jack Purvis wearing just the under-robe in one of the old INSIDER issues. It looks to be a wool pull over robe wil the polo type collar (slit, but no buttons)

overall shape is very much like the outer robe.
Actually, I was thinking of picking up one of those home security kits. The ones with an infra-red senser hooked up to a light.
Hey Zaph, if you have one of those destroyer droid room alarms it would make a perfect organ donor. I hate my DD room guard, now i may have to give him massive surgery.
this page may be of some help:

wampa actually provided alot of the information used in the tutorial.

nice link...good shot of the hairy hands too.


i've got another shot, plus a scan of that Purvis pic if someone can host em. Aol's bein flaky tonight

I tore apart my interactive yoda and he has sensors in him...also a really cool thin speaker that I am putting in my trooper helmet
here's those shots i mentioned.

Jack Purvis wearing the under-robe.
Also note the color difference in the two jawas on either side of JP.

on the right we have a flat eyed jawa with hairy hands.

Some nice shots of the screen usd bandos too.
Only a few had the enfields, but because of the promo
pics, that's what everyone wants.

Hey Froods,

Jawa blasters, the one they shot R2 with) any word on where to get or how to build?
Hey Froods,

Oohyeah KL brings up an intersting point (at his home page). How do you tell Jawas apart? Ya know , male & female? I don't remember ever seein any *bumps* on the front of any of them.
Of course I'm assuming there are females & that they're not asexual
Hey Zaphod,
There's a picture of my blaster on the bottom of the first page of this topic if it's working. I don't understand, my personal pic works but any other pics only last for a while unless I re-enter the link.
Does anyone have some basic measurements for the cloak? None of the patterns have any of the measurements needed to cut the pattern out.