Do you buy movies when they first come out?

I used to grab DVD's all the time and then realized that most of them just sat on the shelf. Now I only get new BDs if it's a movie that I KNOW that I am going to watch again and again. The family loves Harry Potter movies, for example, and we have watched them over and over. Also I do tend to pick up the DC animations, like "Green Lantern: First Flight," because I know I will watch animation over and over as well. Otherwise, I rent or buy used.

I usually get "must-buy" films the first week, and I tend to hoard movies, which really sucks. I probably have 20 or so films on the shelf that I haven't even taken out of the shrink wrap yet. Many of them were impulse buys that I just didn't return, and others I really want to watch but just get bumped back on the queue.

It sucks because I have netflix too, which I don't use as much as I used to. A LOT of my impulse buys should have been rented through that. :cry
See, the few movies I DO have I like to have all the packaging and stuff. They're decoration on my shelf, an expression of my taste, etc. Same with books. I'd never buy a Kindle. I LIKE seeing hundreds of volumes in my living room (I'm not into CDs, however. Odd).

+1 :thumbsup

That's pretty much one of the reasons why I hoard movies. I like the presentation. Yeah, it takes up a lot more room, but it's definitely more visually impressive than a binder full of ripped DVDs.
if its a movie with a really really special edition i'll get it opening day, i made the mistake of missing out on wanted's clear box set with the bullet shot, and i think i missed out on the ultimate cut of watchmen. other than that i buy them if its relatively inexpensive, at a video store going out of business or cheap as dirt on
Oh yeah...

And I always opt for the Blu-Ray combo pack when available...That way I can give the regular DVD to my nephew, keep the blu for myself...And have the digital copy for the phone or ipod...

If I enjoy the movie at all, I usually buy it.

I have many levels of priority on my DVD/Blu Ray purchases. Most fall in the level of "wait until markdown at Target" where I can snag them for ten or fifteen dollars. Below that, are movies I'm only midly interested in that I will wait get get second hand for pracically nothing.

Above that, however, are the movies I'll go out and snag opening week, no matter what. Above even that are the scant few titles that make me search for a midnight release that I will rip open on the car ride home. :)
The movies I do buy (which are films I REALLY like, not just films I'd like to see again), I try to get them at the "first week sale price."
This pissed me off the other day. Was just looking at the blu-rays and noticed John Carpenter's The Thing for around 15 bucks. Great! Then I look on the back and it is the movie only! Why couldn't they just include the great extras that came on the regular DVD?
This pissed me off the other day. Was just looking at the blu-rays and noticed John Carpenter's The Thing for around 15 bucks. Great! Then I look on the back and it is the movie only! Why couldn't they just include the great extras that came on the regular DVD?

I'm guessing when the new movie is released and that comes out on Blu-ray they will have both movies and all the special features
I wait 99% of the time, especially if it's something I've seen already or have a crap copy of on (gasp!) VHS.

Occasionally there's stuff I just gotta get day & date, but that is SOOOO rare. I can count 'em on less than one hand.

My most recent release date purchase was "Star Trek" and that was because it came with the groovy Enterprise packaging. Before that, probably the BTTF trilogy.

But will I be buying the BR BTTF immediately? Nope. I can wait.
I'm guessing when the new movie is released and that comes out on Blu-ray they will have both movies and all the special features

That wouldn't surprise me in the least that title is ripe for the double dip. Ultimate Electronics started carrying discs recently and had a fantastic sale their first week and I picked up The Thing on Blu-Ray for $9.

I LOVE having a nice deluxe edition presentation of a movie (just got Apocalypse Now and Seven Samurai). These days I mostly stream video or file share but if the movie is on my "must have" list I like having the documentaries and commentary tracks that you can't get with those options. I've cut back a lot on buying titles at least compared to how I used to be--dozens of laser discs (I still have a few) and hundreds of DVDs most of which I've sold off though I have held on to titles that are impossible to get or replace once they hit blu-ray.
See, the few movies I DO have I like to have all the packaging and stuff. They're decoration on my shelf, an expression of my taste, etc. Same with books. I'd never buy a Kindle. I LIKE seeing hundreds of volumes in my living room (I'm not into CDs, however. Odd).

I don't usually burn something unless I already paid for it and want to sell it used but still keep a copy. But I don't know how to do it myself, so I need a friend to help, which means I don't do it often. As far as downloading, I totally get why people do it, but movies aren't like bands that can generate income from touring, etc. A movie pretty much only has the actual movie sales. If I like something, I feel like I ought to support it financially. No judgement on anyone who feels differently whatsoever, I'd just hate not to get a Predator 4 because of poor financial showing! :lol

I typically don't burn anything but toons. I store them on an external drive so I can watch them anytime. I like to buy collections , but even those are available on sites so I don't do that much. I bought the Planet of the Apes set and BG cyclon set because of the great packages.
I like to screen cap and work from them , so there's really no need for me to burn too many. I mean really how many times do people really re-watch some of their bought movies.