Doctor Who? 15th Doctor on D+

After 60 years don’t you think it’s about time for something fresh? If you don’t change, you’ll disappear. Don’t like it? You’ve got 60 years worth to watch.

I thought it was fun
DW 'canon' never bothered me that much, simply because so much of it was either invented for a particular story & then abandoned, or simply contradicted as time went on.

In Brain of Mobius, when The Doctor had his brain scanned, we saw SEVERAL more than 4 regenerations, because the 12 regenerations rule hadn't been established yet. The later classic stories & even the Timeless Child tried to either retcon or explain that.

I remember when Steven Moffat was adding the new regeneration cycle during 11's finale, & fans were crying foul, he pointed that fans tended to pick & choose what they felt was canon & what wasn't. He pointed out that in Christmas Voyage, Tennant gave the big "I'm The Doctor..." speech, & in it said he was 900 years old, but back in a Pertwee story, The Doctor said he was over 3,000, but no one lost their minds over that.

As far as the New Doctor goes, this DOES feel different, but I don't think it's any different from what's come before as when DW was rebooted in 2005 & how different that was from the Classic Series. I was born in '71, so I wasn't around during Hartnell's run, but I can imagine that if it began today & was successful, several fans would've balked at Tom Baker for being a "curly headed twit", which I heard Baker say he was referred to in some papers.
It's def a different, younger audience focused Doctor.

But watching it, the Dr's DNA is still there in 15 (same fascination, what he cares about, his purpose etc). Although he definitely stands out to me as very emotional, flamboyant and sassy, which I like, it is a hard right turn from previous DR personas I can see many folks not enjoying. It almost feels like Captain Jack is the Dr.

What I am not a fan of is that compact cel phone they're calling a sonic "screwdriver"....that I can't accept LOL
Yeah... I had a buddy who said that he didn't like the fact it seemed like EVERYONE could see the TARDIS now, where before, it had been established that the perception filter kind of let it be somewhere, but still go unnoticed. On my rewatch, however, no one noticed it until Mrs Flood pointed it out, both in the beginning with the neighbor & Ruby, then at the end with Ruby when she was looking for The Doctor.

I'm kind of hoping against it being either a companion we don't know about or one we do that has been recast, but instead an overarching mystery like Bad Wolf was, where there's a surface answer that continues to deepen as the story progresses.

Not sure if the mom is going to tie into that or be completely separate.
Dr. Who has gone through the SW sequel trilogy filter. It has completely re-written its own past and canon, so much so that older fans don't recognize it anymore.

...but then again, Dr. Who 15 is not made for OG fans, and neither was the SW ST.
Apparently, it's not made for anyone because ratings are in the toilet.
"Is that a band?"
"How am I supposed to know, the score is drowning out everything else."

If we're supposed to be hearing diagetic music, WHY IS THERE A SCORE DURING IT?
Well, I've been watching Doctor Who since 1963, every single incarnation, and I bloody LOVED it! Every bit of it. So this 'old fan' not only recognises 'it', but thinks that 'it' has once again re-invented itself to move with the times and keep itself relevant, entertaining, widely appealing to multiple generations of viewers, and - as it has been for almost as long as I've been alive - hugely, fabulously, eccentrically, joyously brilliant!

I'll continue to re-watch the Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee, Baker (Tom), Davison, Baker (Colin, and McCoy eras with much nostalgic fondness and delight. I'll carry on re-watching the (McGann), Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, Capaldi, and Whittaker eras with just as much joy, along with the recent terrific, 60th anniversary specials. And I'm absolutely loving the start of the Gatwa era! He just was the Doctor from the first moment he appeared and I can't wait to start watching 15's adventures. As Mel said... "you're all fantastic'!

As for 'canon'... it's literally a show about a mysterious alien who can travel anywhere in time and space, changing and affecting history past, present and future along the way. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey... I don't think 'canon' can (or should) apply! :D
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