Doctor Who Episode 2 Possible Spoilers as to the identity of River Song

AFAIK that site is blacklisted by the TARDIS wiki for being an unreliable source. I took a look at what they 'knew' for episodes that have since aired, and a lot of it seems to be wild speculation, fanwank or theories based on the non-canon books.
So even if the photo is genuine, I wouldn't accept their conclusions too readily.

:thumbsup I just read through it.. too much flipflopping on the facts.. very speculative. Gee whiz anyone can make a website and sound official these days :lol

The person speculates it's river in the suit who kills the doctor, because it's the first time he met her as a child. So how did a young girl in a space suit time travel to the future to kill the doctor then go back in time? If that was river as a child, why would she react in horror and then shoot at the spacesuit after it killed the doctor?

The person writing the website has no more of clue than the fans.

What's obvious though, is someone is someones daughter, mother or something. So i'll give him that much.

This is the picture of the cribs, one os a cybermen design and the other is the doctors with the timelords symbols on it.

where do you see a seal of rassilon? Also not to be a nitpicker, but the cybermen never raised babies. the assimilated people like the borg, long before the borg, which is where they got the idea.
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Why would he avoid her advances in the other episodes? It's really unlike his character to do this.

I think it was definitely moffat's intent to return the doctor the classic series doctor in form and function. I think under RTD's reign he turned him into too much of a James Bond sort of hero and it failed the fans and the show, as a whole. I think the essence of Doctor Who is the ethics the doctor has built himself on.

As sort of a side note here, i think his call for the humans to exterminate the silence was a bit over the top for what the situation warranted. We just weren't shown that they were a threat to the humans, aside from the one killing the woman, which i thought was a token gesture on the part of moffat to show they were dangerous, really to warrant the doctors over zealous death cry.

I was disappointed that we weren't given one of the doctor's banal speeches about freedom and the like instead. Further more, I didn't care for River being a plot device in that regard to start firing randomly at aliens. I think her level of "action" is necessary in some cases, as I say below, but I think the entire scene was manipulative at best.

Someone posed the same question (more more or less) on LiveJournal, but they were also wanting to know why it was ok for the doctor to be involved with River, but not Rose as most of the fans have come to detest the relationship.

This was my response over there:

I think for me, and what I've noticed and been most shocked by is the change in attitude of fans over the 5 years or so. Most the of the reaction back then was pro drama and romance and now it seems more vested in the story telling as the show has more or less gone through a change in "format" if you will.

I think the distinction is that the romance between river and the doctor is second to the plot and what is shown hints at other mysteries and untold stories that serve to further increase our interest in the show/story.

I think also the way it's been presented is pretty straight forward. We know something happened in that they shared a large portion of their time lines together, but we just don't know the details, but whatever it was, it was real. River is mature in contrast to rose and the other companions and through that we get a sense that is was a real grown up relationship which is the foundation behind their lovers quarrels and playfulness.

I think in contrast, whatever existed previously, was written from a sensationalist point of view and without a foundation. We'd be in the midst of an adventure to yanked out of it in these "rubber band" moments where they would almost kiss or the Doctor proclaims "I do it for Rose". Why? What happened? We weren't privy to it even though we were with them both since they met. I think in those series, the story came second to the drama and romance, which at times could be blatantly manipulative and self indulgent.

So I think on the whole, people are more accepting of the doctor's relationship with river because it's tangible, it gives the characters depth that drives their interactions during the main conflict of the plot.

In another way, they compliment each other like a real couple, the doctor is giddy, childish, wise, over ethical and moral. River is raw, in the moment, practical and a solid foundation that anchors his mania.

They need each other, and the only way the doctor (our classic doctor, of which 11 is an extension) could sweep into a young girls life and form a relationship with her, is if he met her in the middle, in the midst of their relationship when it was healthy and mature and then progress backwards to when he first meets her.

The doctors life is full of solitude and despair. Our classic doctor wouldn't have gotten involved with someone so young because it'd be unethical in his eyes. And he also wouldn't have gotten involved with anyone either because he'd have to watch them grow old and die. The only way it could have happened is if it was dropped flat in his lap, right in the middle of it where he would have no choice but to recognize that it was entirely possible and beneficial as well.

So I think in a lot of ways, it works and satisfies the requirements of the fans and the show as well.
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I literally cannot hold this in any longer.

This entire show is rubbish as the patch on the upper right breast of the apparently Apollo-era suit is the Vitruvian Man-inspired EVA patch first worn by Story Musgrave (science advisor and extra in my beloved MISSION TO MARS) on STS-6 in 1983.

It's completely taken me out of the show and I shall be firing off a sternly-worded letter of protest forthwith.
I literally cannot hold this in any longer.

This entire show is rubbish as the patch on the upper right breast of the apparently Apollo-era suit is the Vitruvian Man-inspired EVA patch first worn by Story Musgrave (science advisor and extra in my beloved MISSION TO MARS) on STS-6 in 1983.

It's completely taken me out of the show and I shall be firing off a sternly-worded letter of protest forthwith.

OH NOES! Does this mean that Moffat raped your childhood and you'll never be able to enjoy the show again and earlier episodes will be retroactively ruined?
No, because I'm a well-adjusted adult, not particularly invested in my escapism. I feel like Kirk answering Lincoln when asked if we still measure time in "minutes." I smile ruefully and say, "We can convert to it."
that could be quite right. Although, sadly I didn't see the episode with her in it. I gave up after planet of the ood. My mind literally couldn't handle the editing and frenetic pacing.

I do need to watch the rest of that season. Lots of important stuff back there ..
Heck I think that they should throw Romana into the mix to. Wouldn't it be cool if River was Romana, but I don't see that being the case.
I am wondering how she got to the station without the TARDIS?
I would add more but don't want to say too much.