Dyed blue Magnoli fabric?

I'm honestly not sure if dying a finished suit with this stuff would be a good idea, as the dye does not pick up in the stitching and it could look odd.
Any suggestions at all, then? The whole problem would be solved right off the bat if Baron Boutique (in my case) made its blue Tennant suit at least somewhat close to the proper color, but it's instead this navy blue overlaid with bright red pinstripes, which makes it look purple to the untrained eye. I want to cosplay the Tenth Doctor, not Heath Ledger's Joker! :lol
Here is a pic of my suit. I've had it for a few months now, and have only worn it twice. I don't want it to be a one-time wear article of clothing!

Well, I was dying a lighter shade darker. What you're trying to do is just damp down the pinstripes. The stitching on your suit is already going to be dark so that won't be a problem for the dye. You might want to try getting a navy dye, and experimenting on a swatch of your suit to see how it looks.
Yeah, phone camera pics suck.
But wow, yours looks fantastic. What's a firsthand recommendation for the dying technique? A big...pot?
I used my bathtub. The fibre reactive dye doesn't stain surfaces like that so it just washed right out. It also doesn't require much heat so it won't warp the interfacing in your suit.
Gonna look into getting some dye tomorrow. Not sure about brands, but as for color, likely a navy blue, and possibly a little bit of grey to throw into the mix to give it a close color tone. Never done this before, so I'm being cautious.
I'm supposing the amount of dye I'm using depends partially on the amount of water, too. I guess I'm just gonna follow the directions on the dye for that...
It took a fair amount of trial and error for me. I literally spent all day trying to get the right shade once the bathtub was full, as it's very hard to get a really accurate mix using that amount of water. I'd recommend not rushing it and using some swatches to get it right. I've no idea how those printed pinstripes are going to react though.

I used the dye from the Dharma trading company.
Emailed Baron Boutique about swatches; still waiting to hear back from them.
Did some poking around, but very few places seem to carry any fabric dye at all, and there aren't any fabric stores around here. Checking my local pharmacy, but I doubt they'll have anything; if they don't, I'm ordering some online.
Not sure how much I should be purchasing, though. It's kind of like making Kool-Aid; too much or too little in the mix, and it goes kapoot.

Fun Fact: My peers are so weirded out by the fact that I want to dye something. "Dyes aren't what they used to be... You'll stain whatever you dye your clothing in... You can't dye a suit." Way to be helpful, guys. XD
I've decided to take the plunge. ;) Hopefully by the end of next month I will have dyed my fabric and it will look amazing! Then I can send it off to Barron Boutique and finally have the suit of my dreams!
He doesn't have any new pictures on the site, but we did get the color issue worked out and I think his new fabric is at least close to the right color.
He doesn't have any new pictures on the site, but we did get the color issue worked out and I think his new fabric is at least close to the right color.

Wait, so in that photo where it shows up close the colors, the third on in the middle, which is labelled " Teal with Rust Stripes( Cotton Blend)" are you saying that has been there for a while?
I must be more observant in the future...
Yea, that's the color as it was approximated for the first run. We traded some sample images and got it closer to accurate for the second.
Here is an interesting shot I just took showing the new darker teal blue compared with the older bright blue:
