E-11 model "x" - A BlasTech Case Study (pics intensive)

Cut the ring. Won't put it back, it looks cool enough without and I like the brass accent. I was able to disassemble most parts and the PC job went well. Some area look like there are packets but it's just due to the grainy surface of the scope which is now partially covered.

The lit internal reticule is FANTASTIC. Used a red SMD led and an old coax cable to grab power inside the henglser counter.


my best attempt to show you what you see in the scope. Lit markings and azimuth scale AND targeting lasers. :004:
I won't put any other fake reticule on a red filter or anything, it would ruin the fact that scope is REALLY working !

still have to perfect the white lettering (and try the white crayon) but I can call it done !



:eek :eek :eek :eekWow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry I did not understand. How exactly did you light up the crosshairs in your scope???

Again amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the M38-A2 has an attachment on the top that holds a small lightbulb and a red filter. It's illuminating the wall of the glass piece on which the crosshairs are engraved. Light travels thru the glass then hit the engraved inscription that light up.
The vintage light bulb (still working) and filter were replaced by a red LED.