***** H Chopsticks! This is disgusting. I mean for ******’s sake, I know THREE PROPMAKERS RIGHT NOW WHO COULD DO THESE and be done by Feb. I just don’t get it. It’s not the hardest thing in the world to vacuumform plastic and trim it and glue it, is it?! How many 501st scouts are there out there? Hell they could have done it by now. Totally embarrassing and crappy.

I was SO TEMPTED to jump on the Mandalorian helmet preorder but I know better. And after THIS ******** message?!

Man!!! Just *GRRRRRRRR*

After more than five years waiting for paid goods you have to read something like that. Unbelievable that something like that is possible. The last update was from November 2018:

November 10, 2018

First, I want to personally thank you for your continued patience and support in regard to the delays associated with the Legend Edition of our Scout Trooper helmet. Rest assured that we are still working diligently on the manufacturing of the helmet.

Due to significant quality hurdles, we were forced to change vendors and are now working with a vendor who we are confident can manufacture our helmets to our standards. Although production has not begun yet, but we are working with the new vendor as quickly as possible towards that goal.

Please expect to get periodic updates as we get closer to shipping the helmet, which is on track to be shipped in the first quarter of 2019.

Our (obsessive) dedication to producing the most accurate, quality representation of the original prop is the root of this extended delay, and we take full responsibility for that!

We apologize if you received this emailed in error!

I thank you once again for your continued patience.
They won’t do it because they don’t have to. Everyone who accepted the ‘free’ PCR Vader agreed to not try and claim any money back on the Scout.
They won’t do it because they don’t have to. Everyone who accepted the ‘free’ PCR Vader agreed to not try and claim any money back on the Scout.

Not sure anyone accepted anything from eFX with any kind of agreement with eFX.

I have paid for my Scout Helmet via a friend in the USA as far as I am aware the PCR Vader just arrived in the post to him without any consultation.

Did any people who paid from outside the US get a PCR Vader?

Just out of interest for anyone else who has been ripped off by eFX - Would you take store credit from eFX and spend it on one of their other products if eFX gave you the option now.

Basically get something from their product range rather than nothing at all. Surely this could be a get out of jail card for eFX if they done this?
You are probably right when you say Vaders just turned up because no matter how many times I replied to the specific Scout email address telling them I didn’t want a Vader I was, surprise surprise, ignored.
It took me a good few months back then but I eventually got hold of a phone number that Bryan actually used and managed to get a response from him along with a full refund.

This was the mail that everyone was sent (if you ordered from efx) outlining the free Vader offer. See point 7.

I am not referring to you LFL will probably have a problem with what he has posted

And my initial response was 3x as long...

But seriously, I am not upset with Dr. No, he is just the messenger. I am upset with LFL and Disney as they now ignore emails...
You are probably right when you say Vaders just turned up because no matter how many times I replied to the specific Scout email address telling them I didn’t want a Vader I was, surprise surprise, ignored.
It took me a good few months back then but I eventually got hold of a phone number that Bryan actually used and managed to get a response from him along with a full refund.

This was the mail that everyone was sent (if you ordered from efx) outlining the free Vader offer. See point 7.

View attachment 1090323
Wow... That's actually pretty messed up.
So you actually tried to opt out of getting a Vader helmet, and they sent you one anyway ignoring your communications, and unless you paid the return shipping to send the damn thing you never even wanted in the first place back to them you've then accepted the "gift" and now are out however many hundreds of dollars you paid for the scout?
Just wow
Personally, I didn’t receive a Vader. I sent one email a week explaining I didn’t want one for five weeks, these were all ignored. I eventually got a response from efx via a mobile phone number (which in itself was difficult to find) and managed to get a refund before they were sent out.
I will also say that amidst all the trying to contact them myself, my CC company was also trying to get a refund for non delivery. They couldn’t get this because we couldn’t find a specific year for expected delivery in any adverts or correspondence from efx and Bryan told Barclaycard they would only refund for defective products.

It was a horrible and stressful time compounded by efx clearly doing everything in their power to not help or cooperate in any way. $899 is not a small amount.
Call me bitter and twisted but this is why I cannot bear to see this company (and others) treat their customers with contempt.

I would be very interested to hear if anyone else declined the Vader bribe or managed to contact them at that time.

Wow... That's actually pretty messed up.
So you actually tried to opt out of getting a Vader helmet, and they sent you one anyway ignoring your communications, and unless you paid the return shipping to send the damn thing you never even wanted in the first place back to them you've then accepted the "gift" and now are out however many hundreds of dollars you paid for the scout?
Just wow
Like I said, I'm not in the department, so there's not much I can do.
Please don't shoot the messenger haha

Yep. You've done nothing wrong. Thank you for coming on here and at least shedding a bit of light on the situation.
Just watched The Mandalorian Ep 7 and I'm certain the scout troopers guarding the entrance to the settlement are wearing efx limited edition scout lids. When they look down the tell tale gap is very noticeable plus the faceplate doesn't appear to close properly in a couple of shots which is a common fault with the limited edition.
Just watched The Mandalorian Ep 7 and I'm certain the scout troopers guarding the entrance to the settlement are wearing efx limited edition scout lids. When they look down the tell tale gap is very noticeable plus the faceplate doesn't appear to close properly in a couple of shots which is a common fault with the limited edition.

I noticed that too and thought the same thing.
Is it me or did the efx trooper helmets end up in Mandalorian? There was a HIGE GAP between the visor and the helmet in that episode.
Then we finally know where all the helmets ended up. Anovos prefers to supply the galaxy edge and efx the Mandalorian Set instead of fulfilling their customers' long-standing preorders, great! :cautious:
I wish these companies that have the licenses would just 3d scan the actual prop helmets. This Scout looks WAY off to me and I've been waiting for them to release it for years.

What a huge disappointment (like their ANH Trooper helmet sculpt). Here's what could have been achieved from a 3d scan of the real prop (my 1/6 scale set for stun casting). This little helmet is like holding a scaled down real prop. What a shame they couldn't have done something like this for their Scout Trooper release.


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