Enterprise Refit -signup.tomy.com

They didn't send me a link and I just now tried logging into my account but I didn't see an option to pay. I'm just going to wait for them to contact me. My order is in the system so I'm not worried about it being dropped. I imagine a lot of customers are having this issue.
Yeah I'm not overly concerned, I had similar issues with my TOS orders and it all got ironed out after a couple days.
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How many of you guys called your credit card company before the charge to give them notice? Those pledge numbers dropped substantially it seems like at the moment of processing
How many of you guys called your credit card company before the charge to give them notice? Those pledge numbers dropped substantially it seems like at the moment of processing
I did something similar. My Swedish bank has been a similar online function.

The bank's website had been down for most of the day, but began working at the last minute.

And I did receive the e-mail from TOMY:
"Thank you for backing the TOMY Plus campaign The 1:350 Scale Replica Your STAR TREK™ Collection Needs! Your pre-order is confirmed."

I did something similar. My Swedish bank has been a similar online function.

The bank's website had been down for most of the day, but began working at the last minute.

And I did receive the e-mail from TOMY:
"Thank you for backing the TOMY Plus campaign The 1:350 Scale Replica Your STAR TREK™ Collection Needs! Your pre-order is confirmed."

do you live in sweden? are you using a forwarding service?
How many of you guys called your credit card company before the charge to give them notice? Those pledge numbers dropped substantially it seems like at the moment of processing
I didn't. But I got the fraud text message from my bank that asked if it was a legit purchase. I responded yes and shortly thereafter got an email from Tomy that my order was processed.

There are around 800-900 orders that either were not processed because of this. I'm guessing it will be cleared up today or some of the buyers (especially the multiple ones) are having buyers remorse and intentionally cancelled. Once they saw
that 1500-$2250 ...lol

We shall see what happens in the next day.
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Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 17-01-31 Facebook.png
No, AN AWESOME DUDE;) here on the forum will ship it to me.

Paid for it using my Swedish credit card - no issues.
Oh yeah I think I saw that convo-- Boba's hooking you up, right? He strikes me as a swell bloke. I know the Brits love them some Trek but I didn't realize other parts of Europe had the Tribble Fever as well. I sold a TOS to a nice German fella last year. And now the contagion has spread to all the way to Scandanavia I see. Was the show in constant reruns in Sweden while you were growing up? were the movies a big deal there? Is there a large fan base-- conventions and stuff, or is that not a thing in swedish culture? Are most folks in Sweden conversant in English to the point you can watch without it being dubbed? apologies for peppering you with nosy questions, I don't don't know why i'm so curious about this stuff. just a weirdo I guess-- Oy vey, I hope Sweden doesn't have crazy import taxes. (Let me know if you need a photo-shopped receipt showing a discounted price-- I already made one for a guy I sold a TOS to in Brazil at his request.)

(p.s. swedish IRS if you are reading this i'm totally kidding, swear)
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Oh yeah I think I saw that convo-- Boba's hooking you up, right? He strikes me as a swell bloke. I know the Brits love them some Trek but I didn't realize other parts of Europe had the Tribble Fever as well. I sold a TOS to a nice German fella last year. And now the contagion has spread to all the way to Scandanavia I see. Was the show in constant reruns in Sweden while you were growing up? were the movies a big deal there? Is there a large fan base-- conventions and stuff, or is that not a thing in swedish culture? Are most folks in Sweden conversant in English to the point you can watch without it being dubbed? apologies for peppering you with nosy questions, I don't don't know why i'm so curious about this stuff. just a weirdo I guess-- Oy vey, I hope Sweden doesn't have crazy import taxes. (Let me know if you need a photo-shopped receipt showing a discounted price-- I already made one for a guy I sold a TOS to in Brazil at his request.)

(p.s. swedish IRS if you are reading this i'm totally kidding, swear)
Jamesfett, yes, again AWESOME guy! ;) ;)
Swedish import fee isn't really a thing, however European Union IS, and "I don't love it", (to keep things civil and non-political).
Not just Trek, but North American(since a lot of US shows are actually shot in Canada, like Vancouver, Stargate :love:) shows overall are popular in all sorts of places really.

I was in Germany last year at "Fed Con", and most of the guests were from Stargate and Star Trek. I managed to offend George Takei *sigh* that was a highlight, though not a positive one. FYI unless you're completely fluent in Japanese, do not use any Japanese around him.

Thankfully in Sweden we don't really get dubbed shows/movies, unless it's aimed at kids. We use subtitles on tv/movie theaters. I grew up watching TNG reruns, then Voyager came on in the mid-90's and we got new episodes a few months after they had aired in the US. Subtitles, no dubbing. Still have not watched DS9, patiently waiting for a blu-ray release. I was basically raised on 80's reruns of MacGyver, Knight Rider, The A-Team, The Fall Guy, ALF etcetera. I wouldn't say it ever became a big thing in Sweden. Star Wars got big, also franchises like Harry Potter, Twilight, Frozen - Disney in general.

We do have conventions, some general ones as well as ones aimed more towards a specific genre/franchise. English is mandatory in Swedish schools as a subject. I was 10 years old when we started learning English in school, but I was already fluent by then. My teacher didn’t appreciate it when I corrected her spelling mistakes on the board in front of the whole class.

When people in Sweden were excited about DVDs and the improved picture quality over VHS, I was mostly excited that I could finally watch movies without subtitles.

In general, as a native English speaker, one would not have any real problems being understood in Sweden. Norwegian tourists can get by using their own language, but Danish people often need to use English to be understood.

Oh yeah I think I saw that convo-- Boba's hooking you up, right? He seems like a swell bloke. Oy vey, I hope Sweden doesn't have crazy import taxes. (Let me know if you need a photo-shopped receipt showing a discounted price-- I already made one for a guy I sold a TOS to in Brazil at his request.)

Jamesfett, yes, again AWESOME guy! ;) ;)
Swedish import fee isn't really a thing, however European Union IS, and "I don't love it", (to keep things civil and non-political).
Not just Trek, but North American(since a lot of US shows are actually shot in Canada, like Vancouver, Stargate :love:) shows overall are popular in all sorts of places really.

I was in Germany last year at "Fed Con", and most of the guests were from Stargate and Star Trek. I managed to offend George Takei *sigh* that was a highlight, though not a positive one. FYI unless you're completely fluent in Japanese, do not use any Japanese around him.

Thankfully in Sweden we don't really get dubbed shows/movies, unless it's aimed at kids. We use subtitles on tv/movie theaters. I grew up watching TNG reruns, then Voyager came on in the mid-90's and we got new episodes a few months after they had aired in the US. Subtitles, no dubbing. Still have not watched DS9, patiently waiting for a blu-ray release. I was basically raised on 80's reruns of MacGyver, Knight Rider, The A-Team, The Fall Guy, ALF etcetera. I wouldn't say it ever became a big thing in Sweden. Star Wars got big, also franchises like Harry Potter, Twilight, Frozen - Disney in general.

We do have conventions, some general ones as well as ones aimed more towards a specific genre/franchise. English is mandatory in Swedish schools as a subject. I was 10 years old when we started learning English in school, but I was already fluent by then. My teacher didn’t appreciate it when I corrected her spelling mistakes on the board in front of the whole class.

When people in Sweden were excited about DVDs and the improved picture quality over VHS, I was mostly excited that I could finally watch movies without subtitles.

In general, as a native English speaker, one would not have any real problems being understood in Sweden. Norwegian tourists can get by using their own language, but Danish people often need to use English to be understood.


Thank you for taking the time to answer all my invasive queries, with bonus Easter eggs even, like a cheesed off Sulu (surely he was sweaty, shirtless, and brandishing a fencing foil at your chest?)

What did you accidentally say to him that incensed him so? Or is he really just that horrified by non-native pronunciation?

They must teach you kids real good at them Swede schools, I'd never know that English is your 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) language based on your post.

So that's interesting, that TNG is your "gateway" show- so TOS and even the first half-dozen movies probably feel a little dated to you? Kind of like the way "Lost in Space" felt dated to me, in the 70's/80's?

Clearly you must like the Shatner-era at least a little bit though, if you're having a Refit shipped across two oceans at your behest. Is the Enterprise-D your holy grail then?

That's interesting that you're a bit of an outlier in your Trekkieness. I hope you didn't endure too much side-eye from the other kids with your data and worf figs while all the other kids where swooshing around their x-wings and tie-fighters.


"No autograph for you bozo!"
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the backer count Is back count is back up to 5138 , and the shown totals add up to 5901 units sold, but dividing the dollars raised by $749 yields 6044 units. anybody familiar with crowdfunding accounting? do you think people really donated an additional $107,107 to the project?

Thank you for taking the time to answer all my invasive queries, with bonus Easter eggs even, like a cheesed off Sulu (surely he was sweaty, shirtless, and brandishing a fencing foil at your chest?)

What did you accidentally say to him that incensed him so? Or is he really just that horrified by non-native pronunciation?

They must teach you kids real good at them Swede schools, I'd never know that English is your 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) language based on your post.

So that's interesting, that TNG is your "gateway" show- so TOS and even the first half-dozen movies probably feel a little dated to you? Kind of like the way "Lost in Space" felt dated to me, in the 70's/80's?

Clearly you must like the Shatner-era at least a little bit though, if you're having a Refit shipped across two oceans at your behest. Is the Enterprise-D your holy grail then?

That's interesting that you're a bit of an outlier in your Trekkieness. I hope you didn't endure too much side-eye from the other kids with your data and worf figs while all the other kids where swooshing around their x-wings and tie-fighters.

View attachment 1861586
"No autograph for you bozo!"
You're welcome. All I said was a regular formal and respectful greeting. To which he asked me in Japanese if I was fluent basically. I was honest and said no, I only know some basic stuff. Personally if someone takes time out of their life to learn like some basic phrases in a language, I would take that as a great compliment. I apologized and respected his opinion(even if it's wrong :lol::p). I'm still happy he takes the time, especially at his age to fly around the world to do these types of events.

I'm not typical though. I would say the average student is slightly worse than the average American student. I can distinguish between words like 'than' and 'then,' as well as 'your' and 'you're.' At times, I also differentiate between British and American English, such as the spelling of 'color' versus 'colour.' When I compose a post here in English, I think in English and write my message. Some people might need to write their message in their native language first and then translate it manually.

TNG looked great to me as a kid, but TOS seemed so dated. It was the same with Batman, the 60s TV show felt so cheesy, while the '89 movie felt dark and cool.
I only watched at most a few minutes of TOS. First time watching the whole thing was during the early days of covid. Looking past the dated look, I felt it was pretty good, and at times really good. Growing up I did watch the movies, and while The Voyage Home was always my favorite and the Motion Picture was the worst, the (slow)Motion Picture has grown on me(mostly because of Jerry Goldsmith). I really like the Shat-era of Trek, mostly the movies. Shatner, Nimoy and DeForrest are amazing together, simply amazing. I too watched Lost in Space, it wasn't a big deal for me, but I watched it.

Enterprise Refit has always been my fave ship, closely followed by Voyager. The D is nostalgic sure, but it never reached the wow-factor to me. The E and even F are at least in my opinion way more "wow" if you will.

I never bought into figures, from any franchise really, with one exception, TMNT. I was more into soundtracks and physical media.
