Master Member
Only the watchful know what I was referring to.
Last Crusade is the only ending anyone needs. STOP GOING BACK TO THE WELL. IT HAS RUN DRY.Anyone who thinks Dial of Destiny is a more fitting end than Last Crusade is sorely mistaken.
You just have to "believe" their storyI entirely understand this. That's partially why there's very few great filmmakers. It's hard to be original, yet it happens.
There's a massive difference between imitation by nature of the medium or that occurs unintentionally vs. overt purposeful copying and selling as "homage." I get that some consider making a homage or a remix of others works forms of art. I understand their justifications but respectfully don't agree.
Just as I don't see the value of sticking a banana on a wall and calling it fine art. Even after understanding the reasons the artist did so. It's still a banana on a wall. Just as it's still someone else's talent in a homage. No matter how it's twisted or spun, that's what it is. And spin some filmmakers do with laughable PR explanations behind their "artistic vision" for films like Kill Bill which I enjoy yet recognize is copied fluff.
My opinions, obviously. Everyone else is welcome to theirs.
I liked the quasi happy ending that Indiana Jones got in YIJ.Last Crusade is the only ending anyone needs. STOP GOING BACK TO THE WELL. IT HAS RUN DRY.
Hey JJ Abrams....are you listening? This is for you.When films are imitated shot for shot, angle for angle, sometimes for entire scenes, it's challenging for many to view that as a "homage." When an artist makes their name mostly on imitating others and rarely adds anything new of their own, it's hard to find a measure of respect for their work.
what country do you think Arnold is from ?No, this is not an arguement invitation. There are just certain things a majority of people think that I know are wrong. So I am just asking for things you feel that way about. Not arguments to what I and others post. Just fun.
Roger Moore was too old in View to a kill. So wrong. He was awesome. Great movie.
Die another Day sucked. Wrong. Had the best beginning of any Bond movie. Actual consequences. Overall not the best Bond film, but good as was Peirce Brosnan's awesomeness in all his Bond films.
Sean Connery was the best Bond. Partially wrong. Connery, Moore, and Brosnan were all perfect. Dalton was good, tried something different.
Daniel Craig is a great Bond. Wrong.
X Men 3 sucked. Wrong. It was the best of the original three. Consequences actually happened.
Arnold can't act. Hard to say, but wrong. There is a scene in his Zombie movie with his daughter. No Dialogue, but man that crazy Aussie actually showed he can act. You really feel for his character.
1899 should have been cancelled. Wrong. Die Netflix. die.
Warrior Nun should not be cancelled. Wrong. First season, awesome!!!!! Second season screwed the pooch. Good riddance.
The Kardashians should exist. Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OJ's innocent.. Hard to remember, but after the criminal trial many believed he was and for good reason. Since the Civil Trial and history I think it's safe to say, wrong!!!!!
what country do you think Arnold is from ?
Austria as far
No bad here bud , just unique interpretation !I see, yeah I used Aussie as a short for Austrian when it's a short for Australian. My bad.
I stop at Raiders !Anyone who thinks Dial of Destiny is a more fitting end than Last Crusade is sorely mistaken.
I stop at Raiders !
Apart from the treasure of the sierra madre !I don't blame you. I love Temple of Doom, and Last Crusade, but if pressed and I could only have one Indy film? It would be Raiders. Hands down. It's the greatest action/ adventure film ever made. No contest.
I'm probably going to get roasted for this but I did not like it.Apart from the treasure of the sierra madre !
BR is what happens when they try to adapt a PKD book...I like the gun though !Nothing in the narrative of Blade Runner is reliable. There are only two possibilities: The story takes place on Earth or it takes place somewhere else.
If it takes place somewhere else, this explains the need for artificial animals and the harsh environment. For some reason, they have not been told they are not on earth.
If it takes place on Earth, considering the overpopulation, why do replicants even need to exist?
Blade Runner takes place in Holden's mind after he is shot and the events bear little resemblance to his real world.