ESB question that has stumped everybody including Steven Sansweet

I subscribe to the simple "Shoot in chamber, have explosion" explanation. Just normal movie drama.

We see people in movies stopping others from shooting in dangerous locations with volatile materials all the time.
I believe that Vader stopped Fett from shooting because He wanted EVERYONE to know that He's running the show now. The ball was in his court. He had other plans for Chewie.
" Take the Princess and the Wookie to my ship. " This whole recongizing Threepio is a bunch of Crock. It's a protocol droid. The Empire had hundreds or maybe thousands of them.
Who says lightsabers are hot? I mean, sure, they can melt through blast doors and cauterize wounds and whatnot, but since no one has scorch marks from getting in close with the grappling, it's just a molecular-disruption deal, right? Like a red-light lapdance: excites the molecules, no heat to speak of.
I believe that Vader stopped Fett from shooting because He wanted EVERYONE to know that He's running the show now. The ball was in his court. He had other plans for Chewie.
" Take the Princess and the Wookie to my ship. " This whole recongizing Threepio is a bunch of Crock. It's a protocol droid. The Empire had hundreds or maybe thousands of them.

You think there were people in the freezing chamber who didn't think Vader was running the show?

Maybe thousands of droids, but only one built by the hands in the black gloves.

He heard wookies pull peoples arms out of their sockets and wanted to see chewie do that :)

most likley he needed him alive with the others to bring luke the 3po thing is bs
But I could still see Luke coming if they were dead. He was young enough and new enough to the force that his friends being killed might have even drew him in faster- looking for revenge. He almost lost it in Jedi and that was a whole movie later.

Vader had a plan which didn't involve cleaning up the mess of a dead wookie. The more Chewie suffered, the more likely Luke would show up to the chamber.
Who says lightsabers are hot? I mean, sure, they can melt through blast doors and cauterize wounds and whatnot, but since no one has scorch marks from getting in close with the grappling, it's just a molecular-disruption deal, right? Like a red-light lapdance: excites the molecules, no heat to speak of.

Except for all the misses and the showers of sparks that flew about as a result. If the gas were ignitable, it would have been at some point.
Well, if Boba took a shot, he would probably miss and hit another stormtrooper (since he couldn't see his face), then all the stormtroopers would start shooting, and everyone would be dead except for Leia, Chewie, Han, and Vader. Even the little Ugnauts would be toasted pork. Mmmm. Bacon. Anyways, Vader would have to operate the carbon freezing machine, and he probably didn't know how anyway.
^Dude...Were talking about freaking Vader! Of course he knew how to flip a switch! Remember a few moments later, he used his force powers to flip the switch. Remember, Luke did that super Jedi speed jump when Vader was saying...."All too easy".

Come on Dude!

Burned Wookie Hair smells terrible. Plus, if you pay attention, Vader treats Boba like a ***** thru-out that entire movie.

My true vote is - since he was giving Solo away to Jabba, he needed the rest alive to lure Luke.

Lucas never had jack squat planned for the prequels - not the way they turned out anyway. A young Lucas, married to Marcia would have given us something GREAT
Who says the gas is ignitable? What gas? Tibanna?

You're messing with us right? :confused ;)

If the gas isn't flammable it negates the whole "fire your blaster and were all dead" argument. :lol

And thinking about the scene again- I think I'm swinging toward the "Control issues/I'M IN CHARGE" explanation.

I always thought it was because Uncle George knew you didn't shoot the family pet. You simply wait and drop a moon on them. :lol

I always thought it was marketing, pure and simple. Kill off Chewie and kids stop buying god knows how many chewie related toys and merchandising.

I think its just self preservation. Vader knows that if Boba shoots and hits a stormtrooper by accident in the scuffle, they'll return fire, and with their aim, there's a HUGE chance Vader gets hit by one of the troopers.
Because Anakin (Vader) watched Fett's "Dad" get taken down like a cheap hood by Mace Windu and figured this chump kid can't possibly be any better than his Dad, and will probably hit Han instead of Chewie.

That whole Fett "family" is just worthless.