In all the years I've known Gino, I haven't had any reason to doubt his total and absolute attention to detail. He has an uncanny knack of getting a prop to look screen used (accurate). He has the VERY HIGHEST standards and he will not leave a single stone unturned till he gets that goal.
You have my fullest respect Gino. thumbsup:thumbsup
I don't mind critique as long as it's genuine and not just put out there for the sake of trying to get under my skin. You can tell the difference because the non-genuine comments almost always come from people I have "history" with or their friends.
If I think the critique is valid, I'll say so and adjust accordingly.
If I don't think it is valid, then of course I'll say that too.
All things considered, it's my own judgement/knowledge that led me to this point.
I can go on record and say that GINO's Vaders are the only ones I have seen that have made me grumble in jealousy at the attention to detail. People can talk all the game they like, but the proof is in the pudding as they say. His stuff is incredible...'nuff said.
Doug, I know you didn't. It's all good. Everyone is different and as Gino has explained, he doesn't mind critiques. I've just kinda adopted my own rule based on past experience that if the person wants to show off an item, then I'd hold off on giving any comments as to how to make it better or if I saw anything wrong with it. If they said hey, here is something I'm working on, what are your thoughts? Then yes, I'd let the comments fly if I had anything to add.
Some people aren't as thick-skinned as Gino. :cool