Factory Entertainment Tricorder

Given that their studio scale Phoenix replica very much looks like it is sourced from a 3D printable file that (used to be) available online- I'll pass on *anything* FE ever does.

I say "used to be" because I read that the modeler of the file in question reached out to FE about it and was immediately threatened with a C&D.

He's even got the records that show they bought the files from his online store, and the photo comparisons don't lie. He worked with limited reference, so he made up a lot of the details that strangely wound up in the prototype FE has been showing off.

It's really a bummer- seems like he would have gladly helped them out with it for free, he was just excited about the prospect of being involved in a project like that. Instead, he got threats of legal action.

Flies, vinegar something something. Reminds me of some of the early days of Master Replicas.

Can't stop the signal...
Didn't the guy in the video suggest he worked at MR? That doesn't mean he was part of any shenanigans tho. I agree with the other comments - the Phasers from FE are pretty impressive. I always preferred the "softer" Cobra Phaser, so I like this representation. The Assault Phaser looks awesome, and even the SNW Phaser has some great features and design. That's why the Tricorder and Hypo products are so puzzling and irksome - they can make good stuff, so what's the deal?
They look great. I'm not really looking for phasers, though they seem very nice and hefty.

Triccorder looks pretty great to me.
Replaceable LiPo battery is cool.
Magnet switches in the hinges to make the ratcheting sound.
The high res animations on the tiny screen are sweet.
The charging port and head unit port are an odd choice, I kind of get why they did that to hide the ports, but it sucks for those who may want to wire this up for permanent power on display.
I like that they acknowledge the screen dimensions are off and explain why, they explain the protruding PWR switch and why they did it.
They are pretty open about how they designed them and why they made the decisions they did. Limited run props that still need to be profitable for the company, compensate Paramount for the licence fee and appeal to a comparatively broad audience of collectors are inevitably going to be a balancing act.
I notice at 7min23 secs that the production sample actually has F, rather than F1 and F2 for the Data buttons.
F comma?
Now I'm really confused. Is there a source or reasoning anyone knows of for that?

The Assault and SNW phasers look amazing. I have the MR Assault so I wouldn’t want another one that’s so similar, even with the upgrades.
I have one of the MR Assault Phasers too and the recent problems with FE's products wouldn't inspire me to buy one from them if I didn't already own one already.

There's another video of the latest FE props that was posted by Trekcore where they blatantly stated that they deliberately put an inaccurate ID plate on the power clip of the Assault phaser and I quote "not screen accurate, it's actually my birthday call it the vanity, when in Rome".
Ignoring the fact he used the "when in Rome" saying inaccurately, it just shows they don't really care about authenticity to the prop.

They look great. I'm not really looking for phasers, though they seem very nice and hefty.

Triccorder looks pretty great to me.
Replaceable LiPo battery is cool.
Magnet switches in the hinges to make the ratcheting sound.
The high res animations on the tiny screen are sweet.
The charging port and head unit port are an odd choice, I kind of get why they did that to hide the ports, but it sucks for those who may want to wire this up for permanent power on display.
I like that they acknowledge the screen dimensions are off and explain why, they explain the protruding PWR switch and why they did it.
They are pretty open about how they designed them and why they made the decisions they did. Limited run props that still need to be profitable for the company, compensate Paramount for the licence fee and appeal to a comparatively broad audience of collectors are inevitably going to be a balancing act.
I notice at 7min23 secs that the production sample actually has F, rather than F1 and F2 for the Data buttons.
F comma?
Now I'm really confused. Is there a source or reasoning anyone knows of for that?

View attachment 1852531
Seeing this image, I suppose someone would come up with a replacement sticker and hopefully, make a square bezel for the screen or at least, minimise the corner curves and put back the F1 & F2 in there.
Based on this screen capture the front of the Tricorder looks very chunky compared to the actual prop.
Also the cut outs for the green LEDs on the peripheral scanner are capsule shaped on the FE replica which is again inaccurate to the Mark VII as they were machined rectangular slots for the 5mm rectangular LEDs to sit flush within.

Original prop sold via PropStore.
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Are all these inaccuracies due to limited runs, or something else?
A limited run shouldn't effect accuracy. If anything a lack of accuracy itself will limit your run as people won't be willing to part with a lot of money for something they know isn't accurate and they can get something better elsewhere for less money.
The undersized Hypospray, undersized Dustbuster phaser, the woefully inaccurate "Mark VII" Medical Tricorder, aspects of the Geordie VISOR, all show a pattern in Factory Entertainment's attempts.
I mentioned this a bit earlier in this thread so forgive me for repeating!

I am a Tricorder snob and am very much all about accuracy but my custom built MKVII medical with LCD screen cost me close to 3K many years ago so for $800 I'm willing to accept the compromises FE made on this and am excited to have it along side my MR MKX!
I mentioned this a bit earlier in this thread so forgive me for repeating!

I am a Tricorder snob and am very much all about accuracy but my custom built MKVII medical with LCD screen cost me close to 3K many years ago so for $800 I'm willing to accept the compromises FE made on this and am excited to have it along side my MR MKX!
Correct me if I'm wrong but that $3000 was a one off, custom piece though? The same Tricorder made en masse.in a factory in China with a run of say around 500 to 1000 units the cost would come down and your replica no doubt looks more accurate than the replica FE are making.
There's another video of the latest FE props that was posted by Trekcore where they blatantly stated that they deliberately put an inaccurate ID plate on the power clip of the Assault phaser and I quote "not screen accurate, it's actually my birthday call it the vanity, when in Rome".
Ignoring the fact he used the "when in Rome" saying inaccurately, it just shows they don't really care about authenticity to the prop.

In universe, wouldn't every phaser have a unique number?
But they would have to change the dye every time to have different numbers. It’s much easier to mass produce the same number.

It would be cool, though if it was a limited edition run, and the number correlated to which phase are in that run you got.
It’s so weird that I would rather have (and do) my Stapleton tricorder and Limey SNW print with Machined bits. Cheaper, I made myself and cheaper. For those that have the money,fantastic! I like the buildup ,it’s fun and I get to say I “made’ it. Did I mention cheaper? Not a ding on FE or those that can afford, just sheesh so ‘spensive.
It’s so weird that I would rather have (and do) my Stapleton tricorder and Limey SNW print with Machined bits. Cheaper, I made myself and cheaper. For those that have the money,fantastic! I like the buildup ,it’s fun and I get to say I “made’ it. Did I mention cheaper? Not a ding on FE or those that can afford, just sheesh so ‘spensive.

While their prices are a little higher than I'd wish, I don't think they're completely unfair. My issue is they're charging top dollar for very middle of the road accuracy.

All of their items are huge missed opportunities. The one thing that licensed products should be able to excel at is their access to incredible reference material being translated into a highly accurate representation of the prop. Idealized, maybe, but still highly accurate.

Prior licensed props have usually had access to original props to laser scan, exhaustively measure, or even take molds off of. At the very least obtain access to unpublished high resolution photos of props that don't exist anymore.

I admit that even with a high level of access to reference materials sometimes mass production takes a toll on the accuracy to varying amounts but what I've seen so far of all of Factory's products they lack the appearance of any lineage to the originals or evidence of having had good reference materials at all.