Fifth Element Door Bomb

Any updates?

Yeah, I've gotten all the layout design work done. Just need to send it out to get quotes. Im going to have to give the PCB manufactures specific specific instructions on how the boards need to turn out (with no solder mask, holes, etc)

I've not been in a major hurry for that as I know the rush of 5E runs has people stretched a little thin (not that these are going to cost a million bucks) just pacing it a bit.

I'd be down for both the door bomb and card. I work with mobile computers and PDAs etc so naturally tried to see if I could find a similar board but no joy and we see alot of PCB's!
YouTube - PCB using toner transfer method and photo laser paper

That's a video on making your own circuit boards. Since they're not functional, that's how I would do it.

I've home etched MANY of my own circuit boards with that method, its a pain in the ass and very time consuming.
This board is not as big as you'd think, the traces are tiny, so having them professionally made is the way to do it.

I've been working with a company that makes great boards very affordably on my other projects, so I'm going to give them a crack at it. :)

I'd be down for both the door bomb and card. I work with mobile computers and PDAs etc so naturally tried to see if I could find a similar board but no joy and we see alot of PCB's!

I'm working on the whole shebang. ;)

Hopefully I'll have a master to put under silicon before too long. :)
Interestingly, I just got a new client that's one of the largest distributors of electronic parts in the world, so I'll have access to their internal warehouse and databases soon. Cross your fingers!
Sorry, maybe I missed that post, but are you "for sure" because of some facts, or "for sure" because you just know the Solo flash hider is a fire extinguisher nozzle?
I have no idea what solo's flash hider for sure is. :)

In my opinion, based on what I've found with completely redrawing every detail of the circuit board, it was a custom board.

But I don't mind being proven wrong ;)
Maybe not wrong, but it seems like a heck of a lot of work for the prop department. It's easier to just grab something existing. Your work is looking great though, and is definitely a good avenue to go down.

We might never find it, but I'll go on the assumption that it's a found item. Never give up, never surrender!

I went back and forth on thinking it was found to thinking it was custom.

And thanks for the kind words on what I've shown so far. :)
:thumbsup Another awesome 5E prop to hopefully add to my collection :love Progress is looking great. Thank you for tackling this one.