Finished a 1/2256 ISD scratchbuild

Hey Guys,

After talking about the hulls, the bridge was the next.
Again, the details and proportion of the bridge was not quite accord to the SS model. The basic structure was also built by styrene plates (mainly Tamiya 0.3, 0.5 & 1mm) and details made by styrene sheets and rods of whatever shapes (round/half-round/rectangular/square…etc.). I also used kit parts, mainly from 1/700 battleships and 1/72 tanks models. I had to tailor-made a number of battle-ship bridges to 1/4 scale. (The nightmare was just started because the SS model are bridges (1/700 battleships) everywhere!!). The panel lines on the upper and rear faces were scribed by P-shape blade. Here are some pictures.

That's amazing.

Seriously amazing...the modesty is not necessary. You should be gloating about this piece...the timeline for it's build is not surprising...every hour you've spent is showing on the finished product. The part that gets me about builds like this is that you're one guy, and the ILM modellers had teams of people building their models...rotating shifts of people scribing lines, adding details. But like I're one guy, and this looks as good, if not better, than the studio models.
I know of this "Nightmare" of which you speak of. You really did come through on the details. Sometimes it feels like forever to work on just one small area, but when it's done, nothing can describe the "Wow factor".

Great Job:thumbsup
Thanks friends.

I have just digged up and tidied the "in progress" pictures. Here are some photos showing the superstructure during the course of the build.

The basic form of the superstructure was also built by sheet styrene. The first difficulty was its size and shape. The second was to identify the details on the portside. I didn’t follow the details of the starboard side but try to replicate the portside’s details. Again most of the details were tailor-made by sheets of different thickness and boxes (to replicate battleship bridges on the SS model). Kit parts, including those from 1/700 battleships (mostly Dragon, Tamiya and Aoshima) and 1/72 WWII tanks (also from Dragon, Trumpeter and Revell). The track units were my favorites. The holes for FOs were not drilled at once but were made during the building of individual parts. The FOs were inserted after the painting job completed.
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You have done such an excellent job in making clear and distinct levels in the superstructure. I’m still just blown away at the details.
Thank you clancampbell, bmused55 & Randy13 for your kind comments. :)

I've managed to take some "dim" shots and would like to share you friends. The quality of the shots is not so good but hope you enjoy!
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Question - can the LED's be dimmed? Maybe it's the photos, but they seem just a bit bright.

And yes, now you need to make a SSD in scale with this one!
Thanks, guys.

Yes SmilingOtter, this ship can be dimmed or brighter. But it's too bright here in addition to my poor skill of photographing. I am reading the camera manual and will try to take and post more photos of better quality later.
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Now all you need is a super star destroyer in scale with that one.Excellent job!

Thanks JPolacchi. It's a good idea. But building a SSD is a very big challenge and arduous task. What i need to do now is to explore more reference at most. If the build starts, i will open a new thread and advice and assisatance from all buddies here is of course necessary.
I Love the proportions of your ISD. Nice and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng up front. Most of the other SD out there are too short. I love the extended length (the way I remember it from the chronicles photos)
Nice job!