FM Y-wing.

Thanks Lee!:)

Today I worked on the neck parts.They are not accurate and not detailed enough.I turned over the parts and replaced the upper plates with styrene sheet.
Thanks 79 DAYTONA!:)

Now I'm seeing how the modification on the neck worked.Maybe it's a bit hard to see from this angle though,but I've removed the pipes on the neck to look like ROJ version.
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Looking GOOD!! Its really coming along, I have two of those kits and looking at your work is really making me want to start on my.
You sure are taking this kit to town !!!

Nice touch on scribing and adding small panels and battle damage..

I took a look at mine and I must SALUTE you ! Because You are working on a very small Model... or Area of the Model.... and the results so far are very very GOOD !!! :thumbsup

Keep us informed on any developments !!! I will follow this !!! and try to take Notes of some of you modifications...

Take care !
Thank you! and that's very good to start on yours!

Thank you for the compliment!
Yeah,I'll inform anything I'll have done!

I've decided to modify the bottom.I think the landing gear's box is too rounded and the proton torpedo tubes should go forward a little bit on the ROJY.I think it'll take a few day to finish this modification.
Wow you´re really going to town with it! :) I like that...
So, if you´ve gone that far, how will modify the lower lip of the cockpit section´s "mouth"? On my MR Y I simply cut a triangle from the edges of the "mouth" (as marked in the ref pic) and slightly sanded the lower corners to make it more round. I´ll try this on my next FM Y as well. This doesn´t correct the mouth being too far shut (or maybe the lower lip should sit further back), but the shape looks more correct to me.
I thought the nose was a little bit too long,so I cut the 'mouth" a little bit.
Now the inside of the mouth is too shallow...
As to the proton torpedo tubes,I think they are OK.I will rub it down soon.
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Thank you NoHumorMan!

And update!Though t's still rough,but this is the progress.

Thank you daytona79!

Here's an update.proton torpedo tubes are almost done and I changed the panel lines a litte bit.

Thanks daytona79!

It's a very small update.Though there has to be a kind of rail on 8rad part,but I omit it this time.I've just applied a styrene rod.
I'm looking for the part for my MR Y-wing.If anyone know what that is let me know please.:)

Daniel,it looked like a solid part just like this to me,but I started to think you are right.Thanks!

Thank you 79Daytona!If you find something close,let me know please!
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