Goonies Map: Hero Version

I have tried my hand at the map of One Eyed Willy. I have really been inspired by the awesome creations and maps of the members here. Unfortunately I lack the funds to purchase the awesome maps available. So I had to make my own. Mine is more of a stylized version. Possibly that means I erred and could not go back when trying to make the hero version and also that I made it to my liking. I decided to make mine out of real parchment made from animal skin. A word to those who instead of paper try the same route, when trying to singe or burn the edges paper will color nicely, parchment will curl like bacon because of the collagen retracting. The collagen acts just like the fat and because of the uneven heat source it will shrink and start to render while the other fibers do not resulting in crispy wavy bacon edges. Thank goodness I tried on a trimmed off piece first! I had a limited supply of parchment so whatever errors I made I was stuck with. I still need to add a jute, hemp, or leather thong to close it with (I haven't decided which yet).




I had the worst time trying to read all the writing on the hero map from screen captures. I saw that our members here either tried to replicate the shape of the words but they are just as illegible, or they substituted for their own. Because I could not find the text anywhere to help me when I started I have included it here for others as well as my own text in place of the illegible in my stylized version. Also my Spanish and Latin need work.

Known text:

Guille el Tuerto = Map (guide) of One Eye
Cuidaros vos intrusos (Cuidais in the Souveneer magazine)
Pena y mortal estrujon,
En la sangre empapados
Del usurpante ladron.

"Ye intruders beware. Crushing death and grief, soaked
with blood, of the trespassing thief." Mouth movie translation

Cinco veces seis
Los pies estirando,
Del todo bajando,
Ganando saldreis!

"Six times five, stretching feet to lowest point, get the treat!" Book translation
Five times six (ten times ten movie version), long paces, all the way down, you will come out winning.

Movie version: "Ten times ten.",Mouth
Mikey: "uh, hundred."
Data," Hundred."
Mouth: "...stretching feet to the nearest northern point."

Mikey: "North. What's north? Which way is north?"
Data: checks his compass. "North is that way"
Mouth: "That's where you'll find the treat."
Mikey: " The treat.. the rich stuff! The treat! The rich stuff. That's it!"

De cobre los huesos,
De piedra el terato,
Espuma al pomiente!

Copper bones, triple stones, westward foams!

Tres tunales de arcanos,
De lo ignoto al camino,
Para orientaros com timo,
Cosqullad la osamenta.

"Three tunnels of mystery, all lead to unknown, to travel correctly, tickle the funnybone." Book translation referring to a deleted scene.
Three arcane tunnels the way is unknown to orient your selves with a game (swindle) tickle the funnybone

Moveos lamendo el aire,
Cada nota tal cual la vas.
Que se errais en demasia,
De seguro os morireis.

To move on play the tune, as each note is said, for too many mistakes, ye will surely be dead. Book translation
"to move on play the tune, as each note is said, for too many mistakes, ye will surely be muerto, dead" movie translation
The map doesn't say play at least not in any version I translated. The text is visible on the hero map and in the Goonies Souvenier Magazine. The best I can figure it might say, "lamiendo el air" licking the air.

Visible on the Hero map is:

Mar Del Zur = Sea of the South "Sur or Sul" found on old maps for the Pacific Ocean

Despeñadero = "cliff" on the coast near the x
Also visible are depth soundings numbers showing how deep the water was for navigation purposes because this is a nautical chart showing water courses for sailing. Maps show landforms. There may also be a longitudinal mark.

Everything after that is speculation. I couldn't find any clear shots that definitively show what is written. So I like others before me have given my interpretation or just added my own text.

In the movie Chunk points at the map and says ,"look, look, look. That says 1632. Is that a year or something?" Mouth says, "No, it's your top score on Pole Position." So on my map I included the date: 1632. The screenplay says the map is signed One Eyed Willy so I included his signature as well. The script says One Eye Willy's name is William Pordobel which is a take on Portobelo. Since the map is entirely in Spanish and Latin I changed it to Guillermo Portobelo for the signature.

I included the following Spanish words and phrases:

Silvestre = wild (along the coast)
Indios = Indians (along the coast)
Laguna = Lagoon (where the modern day Jetty Lagoon is off Clatsop Spit
Zozobrar = Capsize (in shallow water)
Niebla = Fog (offshore, Oregon is prone to advection fog)
Adelante peligro Espuma cresta hay = Danger ahead a foam crest (near where the Colombia bar is as part of the sandbars and shoals that make up the Graveyard of the Pacific (foam indicated shallow water over reefs or sandbars for sailors.)
Banco de Arena = sandbar (near the modern Desdemona Sands in the Columbia River.)
Canal Navegable pleamar = channel navigable at flood tide, incoming tide (near the modern safe passage in the Columbia River)
Encallado = aground (in shallow water)
Linea mal de rompientes = Bad line of breakers (in the water)
Affilado = Sharp
El fondeadero es filo del viento a la ensenada = the anchorage is in the eye of the wind to the inlet or cove
Mar gruesa y viento fuerte = high seas and heavy winds
Les lobos marin = the sea wolves
Mar Clausum = Latin for closed sea, the Spanish didn't want anyone else navigating their territorial waters along the Pacific Coast (found on old maps)
Grandes corrientes = strong currents
Costa aterradora = Terrifying coast
Isla de fortuna = Island of fortune
Rumbo al Barlovento = True course is towards the windward
Mar picada = chop (choppy sea)
Cueva = cave (near the x in the cove)

Supposedly there is also a sketch of the old cannonball chamber on the map at least Mouth says as much in the movie. It could refer to the chamber that had the cannonball activated pit trap started by rotating the copper bones as indicated by preproduction drawings for the film or a chamber on Willy's ship the Inferno.
The book also mentions footprints leading from the bottom of the hill to the X, a three rock pattern described on the map, and a spot on the map where the path veers off in three directions (referencing a deleted scene where the Goonies had to tickle a bone for the skeleton to point the right way the others had deadly booby traps one was a grim reaper skeleton pulled rapidly passed with a scythe to decapitate.

I did not include these phrases that I commonly see on versions of this map:

Puerto = A port is a city or town with a harbor. I didn't include it as there are no Spanish ports that far north in 1632. Usually havens such as harbors or ports have manmade jetties, piers, breakwaters, or other artificial structures to help ships weather a storm.

Tropicus Cancri = Latin for the Tropic of Cancer that is nowhere near Oregon and marks the northern boundary of tropical zones in the world with the southern boundary the Tropic of Capricorn. Oregon is not tropical, nor sub tropical, it is in the North Temperate zone and is over 1500 miles away from the Tropics.



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Some map progress pics while I was drawing it.


Hand drawn with my mistakes and all.


Scrap edge test curled like bacon under the flame when I tried to singe the edges. I ended up having to weather the map without heat by dry-brushing it.





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I've just sketched my own version of the map. so -as spanish native- let me contribute just a bit to the text

Known text:

Guille el Tuerto = One Eye Willy (Guille=Willy; Guillermo= Williamgoonies3.jpeggoonies2.jpeg
Cuidaros vos intrusos = Beware, trespassers
Pena y mortal estrujon, = pain and deadly squeeze
En la sangre empapados = drenched in the blood
Del usurpante ladron = of the usurper thief

"Ye intruders beware. Crushing death and grief, soaked
with blood, of the trespassing thief." Mouth movie translation

Cinco veces seis Five times six
Los pies estirando, stretching feet
Del todo bajando, all the way to the bottom
Ganando saldreis! winning you'll leave

"Six times five, stretching feet to lowest point, get the treat!" Book translation
Five times six (ten times ten movie version), long paces, all the way down, you will come out winning.

De cobre los huesos, Copper bones
De piedra el terato, Stone monster
Espuma al poniente! Westward foams

Copper bones, triple stones, westward foams!

Tres tunales de arcanos, Three eldritch tunnels
De lo ignoto al camino, from the unknown to the path
Para orientaros con tino, to properly find your way
Cosquillead la osamenta. Tickle the bones

"Three tunnels of mystery, all lead to unknown, to travel correctly, tickle the funnybone." Book translation referring to a deleted scene.
Three arcane tunnels the way is unknown to orient your selves with a game (swindle) tickle the funnybone

Moveos lamiendo el aire, move licking the air
Cada nota tal cual la veis. each note right as you see it
Que si errais en demasia, if you make too many mistakes
De seguro os morireis. you'll certainly die

To move on play the tune, as each note is said, for too many mistakes, ye will surely be dead. Book translation
"to move on play the tune, as each note is said, for too many mistakes, ye will surely be muerto, dead" movie translation