Grey 6: Studio Scale Y-Wing based off Dave G's Open Source Project

Great job Scott. I love your approach. It's busy but not overly so. There is just enough there to make it familiar but you have made it your own. I too am going a similar root but yours looks much better than mine. Kudos for posting your build and keep them updates coming.

Last update for a few days!
This looks awesome! I really envy of your experience with 123D Design..I use Lightwave and Modo, but that one seemed more focused on printing... still...keep it up!
Just got home from my workweek and the photo-etch part sets I ordered for my grey lady were waiting for me! The plan is to use these finer detail parts to dress up some of the more plain looking 3D printed parts that are lacking details. I almost feel guilty not using them on their intended kits...almost.
I picked up a photo-etch set for an armor kit (Styker combat vehicle) and an external details set for a P-51. I failed to take photos of the progress, but the little bits add a nice effect and, in my opinion, add to the "exposed" nature of the y-wing.

In other general update news I've printed out the last of the parts I needed for the underside, and I picked up a cheap armor kit (1/35 scale Humvee) to rob nernies from in order to populate some negative space underneath. In a win-win scenario I have enough of the donor parts left over to actually build most of the kit. So, that kit build it will provide me an opportunity to tune up my airbrush and weathering skills before I get down to painting and weathering Grey 6.
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The paint work continues. When I was removing the mask from the nose it peeled away some of the white base layer, much to my horror. But, I don't think I could have recreated the paint chipping effect if I had wanted to. So I will chalk that up to a happy accident. Ironically, the paint peel is reminiscent of Red Jammer so I am going to roll with it and incorporate it into the weathering of the model. To "sell" the effect I peeled up some paint in random spots across the nose.

I have also reworked my engine exhausts, which you can see below. Those are going to be the next sub-assemblies to get finalized paint work.

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr
Scott - looking awesome! The paint chipping was indeed a happy accident. (good thing I used grey resin, huh?). Just out of curiosity, what kind of primer did you use?
Dave - I used a Vallejo primer. I can't blame the paint, no doubt it was user error. It stuck nicely elsewhere on the model as it was pretty difficult to chip off in places I wanted to chip it. You can see on the third image where I lightly drug some 400 grit sand paper over the finish to test its strength and that stuff was hard as nails. So, it could have been a oily thumb print or some other act of randomness that set the stage.

To save the big chip, I brushed in some thinned down silver enamel paint into to give the area a subtle metallic sheen. Either way, I love the "big chip" and it solved my biggest problem of weathering the paint job to give the ship a nice grizzled look. I like the "story" she is starting to tell me as I push toward the finish line. I am looking forward to seeing all of her character revealed as the engines are finalized and the weathering process begins.

Scott - looking awesome! The paint chipping was indeed a happy accident. (good thing I used grey resin, huh?). Just out of curiosity, what kind of primer did you use?
Well, it's been awhile. Time for some updates!

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr

Untitled by Scott Peterson, on Flickr
That is looking awesome! Love the monochromatic paint job. All it needs are a few black hoses to set it off.
hi just seen this thread ; can I ask is it hard to get into this modeling and 3d printing ? am a regular sculptor model maker ; only thing I know how to use is a bit of photo shop; but I would love to be able to make the models I want in the scale I want (studio or 1/24 scale get sick of everything been produced in 1/72 or less ) hope its not a stupid question to ask you cheers