Unlimited Run H.P. Lovecraft's Shining Trapezohedron

Good stuff. From what you said, it doesn't sound like it's internally lit, right? Any thoughts about creating a display box that could give it that lovely glow from your pics?
Right, it's not internally lit. An led would be glaringly visible inside. I did make up a present day company and a modern interpretation of the box. It projects UV light and contains the gem through state of the art geometric sciences. It's somewhat tongue in cheeck with the labeling but I'll share some pics here. I was thinking of including some stickers with the orders. What do you guys think?

I have a few other rugged laserprinted labels that are printed on the same material ised for labels in labs and such. A "do not tamper"sticker and a "on loan from the Miskatonic University" style sticker that's just a template from propnomicon.
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I would definitely be interested in one as well.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I also like the modern interpretation. If I was planning on going for a modern game of some sort, I'd definitely find a way to include it. Nice job.
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Just to let any interested, I have a few Liquid Core Editions of my Shining Trapezohedrons currently in my Etsy store: SchlitziesOddities. I ordered some supplies and I’ll officially list some on here as well directly.
