Done / Completed Hales Rifle Grenade Vane Ring Replica - Obi Wan Kenobi ANH

Run Update.

Thankyou to everyone who signed up for this! A very strong turnout and positive feedback so far!

From now on, the run is closed. Please do not ask me to join on now as I have sent the numbers to the machinist who is starting work next week.

This week, I’ll be working through the email list getting Quotes sorted for postage and invoicing. Please bear with me on this, I Have just moved to a new city for work and am starting a ‘new’ job this week, albeit in the same company. It’ll take a little more time than thought to get through the list due to the high turnout! But the end of August dispatch/delivery is hopefully still valid!

Keep an eye out for a PM from me this week
Run Update.

Whilst machining has begun, unfortunately my ability to get on my computer and send out the invoices hasn’t...

Having just moved into a new property, Virgin Media have said they’ll take 14 days to set up the WiFi. So unfortunately I’m without WiFi and very limited phone signal until early next week. The work behind the scenes has been finished but I’m just going to struggle with all the messaging. So apologies for the delays.

Everyone should have an invoice by 15/16th weekend at the very very latest.
Great to hear these have been started! Can't wait to see the end result. Can pay as soon as you're ready. No rush though. (y)

Good news!
I finally have internet connection (two days delayed - someone please tell me why Virgin Media need 14 days to set up a wifi connection in a property they already provide to....).

Bad news! The machinist has decided to shut up shop and take a two week holiday for the rest of August. Just my bloody luck. In fairness to him, he says he hasn't had a week off since 'lockdown' begun in the UK and after working through the heat wave this week here, has decided to award his team and himself some time off. He has assured me he will pick these up when he returns first week of september and have these as a priority part to finish in the first week or so of September. Frustrating - V E R Y.

In light of this, If anyone wishes to withdraw from the run for the delays, please let me know. As of yet, no one has paid or has been invoiced - but the invoicing will begin this weekend.

My sincere apologies for the mess of this run so far. Hopefully ill be much much better from now on. Ive settled down in Bristol and the new job, I have more time to devote to this and am more relaxed with everything.


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