Half Life 3 - The Freeman Returns

All lacquer coated and finished.

Fitting issues to be resolved - big ass gap at the front needs another strap to lock it all together. Legs need to be strapped up and attached to belt.




Otherwise Enjoy :)

Sneaky peek!

Playing around with some Videography and the suit - starting to shape up :)


And a quick edit - Been making my Metro Cop elite helmet/suit... going for the beefy blast shield around the neck too (when I get there).


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Had a pretty productive session yesterday suit is fully strapped together with under armour (that needs painting).

Made some progress on my take of the Combine Assault Rifle just a few edits and some paint to do.

AND made a solid finish on the shape/design of my Metrocop Elite helmet - just detailing and paint!


Enjoy :)

so having completed the London 48 hour Sci-Fi film challenge I'm back onto the Freeman props with more motivation than ever... Creating a film in 2 days was ridiculous - But learnings were made and I'm feeling much more confident when we come to producing The Freeman Returns.

Anyway - enough jibber jabber here's some work on the other armours & weapons now that the HEV suit is complete (will have it for ComiCon London too).

Combine Assault Rifle (Matchbox Style)

Combine Elite helmet sculpting in progress:

looking great man!!!

Brings back memories from the one I made :p.


Cheers man! - yeah I remember that one a while back XD Going to be pretty sweet @ the ol' Comicon this May too, might take some parts of the props for the Blade Runner Secret Cinema.

Anyways - will put up some more prop work this weekend as I'm aiming to complete the Combine helmet and neck / shoulder armour... "Aiming" mind you. :)

Thanks for watching.

Well not too exciting - Finished the sanding on this bit and primed - removed the pipe detail (that will cover some of the mess) in order to cut the helmet for wearing!

Need to do a big push this weekend as Comicon is the weekend after so the HEV suit will be wired up with electronics and test fitted - and this one should be locked down by then too (well the helmet and shoulder armour) - the rest will be a mish mash of mil-spec items like combat vest - kneed pads - boots etc.


Thanks for watching!

Been working a bit harder in the evenings than weekends these days - weekends are for sleeping off the hangover right XD BUT with Comicon just a week and a tiny bit away gotta get going!

sooo some updates and stuff :)

Setting up for some soldering (making LED daisy chains for the HEV suit - final touches)


Helmet cut open and test fit seems ok for now XD

IMG_20180517_214016.jpg . IMG_20180517_214020.jpg . IMG_20180517_214014.jpg

Started the paint job - just tidying up and glueing details to do.


This suit is for my friend who is playing the baddy - Commander Valev of the combine invasion force and he's been working on the torso & other armour parts (to fit him obviously :)


Hope you enjoy - this is a pretty chuncky update comparatively.
And the weekends worth of work:

So of course our combine helmet is done - EL wire I'm hoping has enough density to be bright enough in daylight (wound it round a few times in the eye piece)


Some silly -

Some serious -


Anyway - the point of that - HEV suit is finished - that gap at the front is sorted... it's a pretty frickin' tight fit - but hey all for... some reason XD Just got to wire up some LEDs in the back panel (I overvolted my first daisy chain and blew a bunch of bulbs XD)


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Finished the suit - went to Comicon - broke the suit XD - it was too hot and glue melted like a mother... will be replacing some leg and arm parts but all in all it wasn't too bad... except for my lack of photos - it is always a pain getting the camera out every time so I'm relying on people I gave the cards out to, to post on my page - but alas nothing yet.

I'll post something soon and get on with fixing this thing :)
Sooo.. only 2 pics I got - one's mine - one's another photographer.

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You can see the problem I had with the chest piece not joining after I cut it... need some Pegs Bondo'd in or something so that it holds next time.


So - After another breakdown & re-build I have the MK V

yeah I've made a lot of HEV Suits over the years... This is the screen ready version - a mixture of 3D printed joiners, chest piece & foam.
Fiberglassed and murderproof :)


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