Halo Reach Jorge Build

That backpack is amazing (it also demonstrates I might need a scroll saw myself). You mentioned interlocking it with the suit...does that mean you intend for it to stick by means of friction or supplemented with magnets and/or velcro?

I'm also contemplating making one of the rear panels into a hatch so that I can store the battery packs for the lights/cooling fans on the suit.

I guess that depends on whether you intend on marching in your outfit or staying inside a (relatively) cool convention hall. I personally would go ahead and make a compartment for some minor storage at least that way you have the option. Also functionality is always a plus on props.
thanks to Tyr, i went out and bought a used saw. it works great for the 1/2 stuff.

@ Tyr, what glue are you using for your 1/16" orange foam? im starting on the detailing part and need something good and easy to use.
Nice pep work! The folds and everything came out very clean and also you worked with very good files from what it looks like! I have seen many people start a "Jorge" project but never fully pull through with it till the end. I must say though that this one needs to be finished. I would have to say this is by far the best one I have seen yet!
Re: Halo Reach Grenadier Helmet


- Gotta get a model of that gun.... :love
If it's helpful, Sean Shaw just made a nice Jorge gun for Wondercon. He has some excellent pics of the build at his FB page that should help. Nice guy too if you want to compare notes. :)

I will be posting an image of the real size of jorges helmet when its on his head. I just wanted you guys to know the look of the size of the helmet on a head