Handmade 99% Accurate replica of the Master Sword from Loz: OoT


New Member
I've worked for over six months on this project and couldn't be any happier with how it turned out. I've never really worked with wood, metal, resin, OR fiberglass but with a little help i was able to make the most accurate replica of the master sword that i've ever seen. I've always wanted one, but after being fed up with the extremely cheap replicas on the market, i set out to make a Master Sword that would make Link proud.


--------more pictures in here!
Master Sword - Imgur
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Good job. I like your can do attitude. If you can't find what you want, make it!

A bit of advice, you may get a bit more exposure if you post pics in the thread.

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Look at the code I posted above. ;)


Your pic's web url flanked by the image tags will show your picture.
You can copy the link from the preview pic and get the smaller one I posted above. ;)
Happy to help.
I've worked for over six months on this project and couldn't be any happier with how it turned out. I've never really worked with wood, metal, resin, OR fiberglass but with a little help i was able to make the most accurate replica of the master sword that i've ever seen. I've always wanted one, but after being fed up with the extremely cheap replicas on the market, i set out to make a Master Sword that would make Link proud.


more pictures in here!
Master Sword - Imgur

I just added an h before .jpg and got the smaller pic.
Hmmm.. odd, i had the same URL but when i actually copy and pasted yours it made it smaller. Anyway, thanks for your help!! Does this work for all forums as well? (maybe Reddit too?)
Bingo! You got it now my man.

Yes, any forum that uses BBcode, which is what the brackets are all about.
I really appreciate the good feedback:] Now all i have to do is get Shigeru Miyamoto to see this, and we will become best friends;]
No offense to Master Miyamoto, but I'd rather be friends with Shigesato Itoi. I'm a big fan of Zelda, but a bigger fan of Mother/Earthbound.:lol