Has anyone done a HL-10 Lifting body?

Here are a few more pictures to keep this one alive. Come on February!!

Attached to the wing of the B-52 carrier aircraft:

First Landing:

Pilots fooling around:

Positioning the HL-10 under the B-52 wing:

The back of the HL-10:

Another photo of the three lifting bodies (L to R X-24A, M2-F3, HL-10)
Been waiting years, a few more months is not much of a wait. Here are a few more photos

From Star Trek; Gene Roddenberry, James Doohan and DeForest Kelly next to the HL-10 in the main NASA hangar at the Flight Research Center:
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These look great!

For the folks who don't want to wait, you ought to check out this guy's stuff. It's really pretty damned cool!
Re: Lifting body picture of the day

HL-10 on display pylon in 1997 at the Dryden Flight Research Center gate:
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Lifting body picture of the day

This photo from May 1972 is around the same time that the "Six Million Dollar Man" was filmed:
Re: Picture of the Day

I am all for these, and about 1/24 scale sounds great.

Any chance of photos of cockpit detail, or is that just a pipe dream?
It's no pipe dream! :) Here is the left-hand side of the HL-10:

Here is the front panel during flight of the HL-10:

I'll post more later. It's interesting to note that in the "Six Million Dollar Man" that the dialog and the switches that Steve Austin worked were actually the correct ones. NASA provided the expert to make sure that the launch and flight sequence was accurate.

Feek, you are the man! Thanks for keeping this thread alive and Madrobot, thanks for taking this on when you get the time.

:thumbsup all the way around
Just got back from taking these in the garage :lol




These are all from the M2. The top two photos are from the M2-F2 and the bottom is from the M2-F3. Notice on the M2-F2 photos that some of the instrumentation has not yet been installed. The M2-F2 never made a powered flight before it crashed (they were all glide flights). There were planning on installing those missing instruments later when the engine was installed. Also interesting is the large holes in the panel itself. These of course were so the pilot could see out of the nose window . . . the only way he could see the ground when landing. The pilots say it was VERY disorienting because of the lensing effect of the rounded nose.

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Lifting body picture of the day

LOL, well, you caught me!!! Ok, a change of pace; here is the X-24A: