Have we reached critical-mass on Graflex's again?

I have to admit that when TFA came out I sold one I had for a princely sum! It might be heresy, but I'm cool with a replica. I'm hoping I still find that stupidly low priced Graflex sitting at a flea market at some point.

BTW, I have a Graflex replica, I think it's the one Larbel did. It had an old light up blade with a big stereo plug (plasma blade?), and then it has a round plug that you put in the hilt when not using the light up blade. Does that sound right for a Larbel?
I feel the same way about Obi-Wan's saber. I have respect for the people who have an original parts one but I'm fine with having a replica. As a matter of fact I still have my Icons Obi saber and have no intention of getting rid of it.
My feeling is that prices of Inc. graflexes are going down somewhat now, but folmers, and the no patent ones in particular still seem to be getting more expensive (and more rare to see listed on ebay compared to few years ago).
Hell you could swap out a bottom can and charge that price and most people wouldn’t be able to tell.

I’ve gotten Graflexes with mismatched parts from photographers and there’s no way to tell what the team got to a serious degree. We can tell some of the hero hilts may have had matching tops and bottoms based on the plating… but they swapped knobs and clamps around sabers a lot.

If we’re pricing slightly different variations of factory made pieces based on screen accuracy we better have the details to back it up.