That's TDP, DP is on another forum
After re-reading my post I understand your confusion. I was not trying to be disparaging of your ideas. In fact I understand and partially agree with them. I just thought that the conversation on the HBW got to be more about kicking a dead horse than the issue. Personally I'm looking forward to your designs when they come out. Hopefully you'll be able to spark more Hellraiser interest and conversation.
I agree totally that there are differences in the panels. Those differences however are only noticable to someone who freezeframes the movie with a box in hand. To the casual observer, close enough is good enough. To most people, if it even sort of looks like it - it's good enough. I also understand that people in this forum want things to be as close as possible to screen perfect as possible.
That being said, accurate and improved are two very different things. If someone made a light saber that was "imporved" by being able to be activated by voice command - someone else would say it's no longer accurate. One has to be sacrificed for the other. It's either accurate, or not accurate and improved. You can't have it both ways.
I totally get the idea of the perfectionism and what that would've meant for the box itself. I think your idea would be fantastic if we could go back in time and have that stunningly perfect piece of geometric perfection on the screen. I get that. Hell I would've loved to have seen that.
I do wonder though how Lemarchand would've come into that type of geometric perfection. A maker of singing birds in the 1780's doesn't strike me as someone who has advanced knowledge of mathematics and geometry. He certainly didn't have the use of CAD. It could be a side hobby I guess. It would of course make more sense that the commissioner of the box would have provided him with the designs (as there was a black magic element involved also), and the box built from those, but in Bloodline you are led to believe that Lenarchand made the design. A wealthy aristrocrat would have the means to have the geometric perfection you're talking about, but I don't think a toymaker would. So how did he do it? I could see that could happen if the puzzle was designed by Lemarchand, and the panels and black magic conjured by the commissioner. Again I'm rambling - if he had the designs to follow, I agree they would be goemetric perfection, and that would be neat to see.
I would like to thank you for your post on the HBW. When I started making panels, it was a post I read many times and it gave me a lot to think about. Your spirited discussion on there brought up some interesting things. Again I'd like to apologise for not making my point clearer in my previous post. My intent was not to disparage your ideas, many of which I agree with. I just got a bit frustrated (hence the hair ripping out) by the conversation that followed (hence the dead horse).