"Hero At Large"- Capt. Avenger Visor


New Member
Hi all!

So.... how do I make these?:


I'm at a loss as to what type of material to even use. If anyone has any words of wisdom or valuable tips, I'm all ears! Your expertise was where I thought I'd turn to first.

Thanks in advance!!

-Johnny C
First off what is it, where's it from? My first thought is that a motorcycle helmet visor would work if you retrimmed it carefully.
It looks similar to a plex face shield you can get from harbor freight, that has been trimmed down. I know my old face shield had the same rolled top. If you cut a template and used it to cut out the faceshield, you could probably make one rather inexpensively. I know my shield was 7.99 on sale, and I need a new one.
Thank you for the replies thus far, everyone!

Fly4v is correct, it's from the film "Hero At Large" and John Ritter's character "Captain Avenger" wears this. I'm working on the costume to wear at NYCC this year. The rest should be fairly simple and straight-forward, it's just this dang visor that I'm gonna have a hard time making or getting. I live in NYC in a small apartment and don't have a lot of tools at my disposal (heat gun, saws, etc). Whatever I get is gonna have to be fairly close to what the end product will be.

greylocke - I'd be interested in seeing any pics you have of the faceshiled you're talking about!

Also, as a side note, this thing fits on the face oddly. Here is a pic so you can see what I mean. It tilts out away from the face when worn.


Keep the suggestions coming! Thanks again!

That faceshield looks a little this and might be too flexible to hold it's shape properly. In several threads esp HALO builds other members are using RIT Dye to dye their faceshields for their helmets. SO if you do a search for dying plexiglass or dying plastic they should come up. I can't get to my shield at the moment but this : Adjustable Face Shield is basically the same face shield I have except the visor on mine is grey and not black. Sign up for their coupons and every other month or so the visors have a coupon making them under $10.00
I found a gentleman on Etsy, believe it or not, that makes Sailor Moon visors.... I emailed him and he offered to custom make my visor for a VERY reasonable price. Who knew? ETSY!!! Thanks guys!!

-Johnny C
Found someone to make a pair of these for me. He actually made a couple of extra sets and if anyone is interested you can find them on his Etsy shop: Here

He sells a lot of Cosplay stuff, mainly acrylic visors, glasses, etc. He's worth checking out!

Costume is coming along.... More soon!

-Johnny C
"HERO AT LARGE" is a great movie. Good luck with the Captain Avenger costume.
Check out this thread...


Agreed.... and underrated in my opinion. Yeah, I saw that thread! I'm having my actual suit made by an amazing cosplay designer that I found through a series of connections. The visor I had made by the gentleman I posted above, and the cape I am making myself. I'll post pics as they progress comes along.

-Johnny C
Quick update: I received my visor! Here is a pic of the raw piece as I received it:
View attachment 143821

After I got it, I attached the elastic (I opted for black instead of white since my hair is dark and not nearly as long as John Ritters, therefore the elastic band would not be hidden - thought this would be less distracting).

For the red trim, I got a length of red vaccuum hose in 4mm.

View attachment 143823

Then I cut to length and attached it to the top of the visor:

View attachment 143824
View attachment 143825

Just need to take care of the "A" logo and voila! I am tackling the cape and boots this week and the rest of the costume is being fabricated for me since I have no idea how to work with spandex. HA! Anyway, enjoy!

-Johnny C
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