How does one acquire the skills to make tons of amazing prop replicas?

As others have said building some models will help learning basic construction skills.
Check out some of the modeling forums like Fine Scale and Hyper Scale, there are some great resources on scratch building and painting techniques to be found.

Research your subject from every possible source if you are replicating a actual object or prop.
Find something that you know the actual size of if possible to use as a scale for everything else.

Drafting skills are a definite plus, I still do it the old fashion way with paper and pencil.

The more tools, the easier things will be to fabricate.

If need be do a mock up out of card board or paper to make sure your design works out properly.

Try new things, you my find it works better than something you are already doing.

Above all WORK SAFE, you don't want to risk your health or loose body parts.

Its all about motivation, and having a good eye.

If you want it bad enough, and can recognize what it should look like when its done, you'll find a way to make it happen.

I really think that is most of it.

What you don't have in talent, you can make up in determination and lots of time.

The thing about this hobby is most of the stuff you do is copying or replicating the original, therefore being an artist isn't actually necessary.

However, with that said, I am in awe what guys do in the Studio Scale modeling forum. Just Wow!