Identifying model kit parts used on vintage prop (photonic ray)


New Member

The "photonic ray" was a movie prop from 1978's movie "The sheriff and the satellite kid". The device could move objects and do timelapsing of the environment.

The device's surface seems to contain many parts of plastic model kits. Although doing research for years now, I have only been able to identify one part: The 8 forward pointing round "spikes" COULD be the mortar arrangement of the German "Kanonenjagdpanzer" tank. (Kanonenjagdpanzer, Revell 1:35 von Johannes Bernhardt)

The two moving upper flaps could be made from resin, they appear to be very thin. Maybe they are the remains of packaging material or whatever.

All the other little surface structures are unknown to me.
As you can see in the attached photos, there are at least two different props used, one is missing some details. Maybe they simply fell off during the movie was shot.

A very interesting detail are the thin fine "grills" or "grids" inside the rectangular push buttons.

If you got any ideas for identification, please let me know. I would like to create a replica of the prop. The more parts identified, the better ..
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is there any Chance that those half moon shaped elements and the rectangular structure at the rear end are from a model tank also?
I feel like those 'rectangular push buttons' with the grills or grids may be model railroad building windows, or architectural model windows.


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Unbelievable, but I got another probable match in the model train world. The little round part appears to be a kettle door from a Japanese C57 locomotive. See the exact locations of the plate holder and hinges and how they are located to each others.

Really wondering what the 4 parts left and right of it may be.... they look like some kind of dampers...

And the rectangular plate behind the grip is from a Sherman tank model!
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Good morning,

Just would like to bring this up again, as I am currently working on a replica of this prop.

What can the 4 longish shaped, offset mounted elements be? At first glance, I would say those could be some sort of dampers, but looking at a more detailed image, those can also be vintage gas pumps or something else. Looks kind of familiar, but I cannot really identify them.

What I also noticed is the fact that in many parts there are small holes and little spikes, that may be the counterpart. Was there a model kit brand that had these holes in their parts? I dont think that they belong to the model details but that they might be a some kind of quick fit system that allows mounting without glue or to keep the parts in place while building the model.

What to you think?
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