If Lucasfilm Had An Auction.....

That's a crying shame but, if you had all the money in the world too why would you sell it?! I probably wouldn't either. ;)
- Dark Helmet :love:lol
- life-size Stormtrooper (preferably ANH but others would do fine, or all together even better LOL) and/or Sandtrooper
- Darth Vader reveal mask from ROTJ
- life-size Scout with speeder bike
- TIE Fighter studio scale
- AT-AT studio scale, and not one of those miniature ones ;)
- Star destroyer
- Tydirium

Now that I dream about these can I dream about a nice house to host them too :D
Darth Vader's Lightsaber

Grail Diary (I have a thing for book props)
Grail Tablet fragment.

The Arc would be cool but a little big for our house :D
I have actually had discussions with Lucasfilm and George doesn't want to sell anything, even the obscure or minor items or background pieces.

A shame, because the auction would certainly be bigger than the Star Trek one (which got me started in this hobby).


That's a shame. I remember reading about when the Original Death Star was found they offered it back to Lucasfilm who declined it :confused and now they seem to be so protective over everything.
An authentic George Lucas Beard would really be a uniqe piece of cinema lol

I was at a restaurant in Mill Valley one evening and on the topic of beards my friend made a joke about, "You could have a George Lucas neck beard, like that guy," and pointed out the window at someone just leaving the restaurant. I replied, "That's THE George Lucas neck beard," as it was George himself.
I was at a restaurant in Mill Valley one evening and on the topic of beards my friend made a joke about, "You could have a George Lucas neck beard, like that guy," and pointed out the window at someone just leaving the restaurant. I replied, "That's THE George Lucas neck beard," as it was George himself.

That's both pretty cool and funny! Did you go out and chase after him or snap a picture? That would've been great! :lol
Anything Darth Maul, would love to have a saber or set of horns the hero horns, or outer cloak from tattoine! Moost Mauls would say his boots BUT I have the Titans so no need
If Lucasfilm had an auction... I would buy George Lucas' brain. It would be the cheapest item and a steal, since it obviously has never been used.

I wouldn't put George's brain down too much Tim, from what I've been told he is a very astute and aware chap, regardless of what he's done to offend fan's taste. Let's not forget he took the merchandise rights to the first movies! I also know that a lot of props and costumes got skipped during production of ROTS, however I also know some pretty cool stuff made it out so keep your eye's peeled, especially in Oz!
I cant believe the stuff I turned down when I had the chance a few years back but Im very happy with the bits I did get, my favourite being my Yoda's head casting.
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I overheard that they will have a charity auction on ebay to have dinner with Lucas. I think they did it a couple of years ago and when for $10K.
If this auction were to ever happen, the enormity of money it would bring in would be mind boggling.
That being said, my dream buy would be the hero Han in carbonite.
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