Imperial Shuttle Tydirium

Hey, thanks guys.

REL very kindly uploaded a load of great reference for me and I have realised that wanting to complete this model as quickly as I do just isn't realistic. I am going to have to dedicate more time to this. Some late nights are in order. I have noticed that the panels on my wings are too thick. I'm going to have to live with that until after my show.

Anyway, I made a section of the body this afternoon. The vacforming patterns are polyurethane foam. I used 1.5mm styrene:


Here it is primed and double-sided to the dorsal wing.




I don't suppose anyone has a koolshade off-cut they want to sell ;-)


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I've got a sheet of A4 sized Koolshade. I'd be happy to donate it to your excellent project. :)
PM me your address and I'll get it shipped off on Monday.


I don't suppose anyone has this kind of talent, skill and awesomness they'd like to donate to me ;-)

Had to try :)>

Way to go, Chris! And keep up the fantastic work (and pics), Vos!!!
Glad to help. This is just indescribably beautiful! I hope this will find it's way into a kit, I'll trade you a Slave 1 kit for it LOL.

Once again, fantastic work, your work is so clean and precise.
Hi guys. Thanks a lot. I did a little bit more on it today.

The structure for the main body has been laser cut. It will be held together with 19.1mm (don't ask!) brass tubing:

7124576.jpeg have the parts for the wing mech. I dropped these into rubber just before I left to come home for the day. I'll be casting them up tomorrow and joining them to the side wings:



BRAVO !!!!

I had to say it. It is just...


Now i have to say something in Spanish.

Bravo !! Que pasada !!!

I love it

Glad to help. This is just indescribably beautiful! I hope this will find it's way into a kit, I'll trade you a Slave 1 kit for it LOL.

Once again, fantastic work, your work is so clean and precise.
I am with rel ... a kit would be great.