Indiana Jones and the Bermuda Triangle?

George Lucas to Steven Spielberg, for 16 years prior to Crystal Skull:
"It has to be aliens, because that's the only thing that's going to work."

Well, I do declare. Seems there are other stories to tell after all. And could have been ALL ALONG.
I always thought, though it's a little close to the grail mythos, that the next step should have been Excalibur or even Camelot. Ah, but what do I know? George and Steve stopped returning my phone calls.
Thing is, the Bermuda Triangle has been scientifically explained. Kinda pulls the rug out of any new supernatural stories about it.
Thing is, the Bermuda Triangle has been scientifically explained. Kinda pulls the rug out of any new supernatural stories about it.

If it's the explanation I heard a couple years ago, it came off as more of a 'this is the best we can explain it' type thing. Something about weather, water temperature, and tides/currents as I recall.
Big gas bubbles, methane IIRC. I mean BIG. Saw a special that demonstrated it could sink ships and bring down planes. Yes, planes.

Two bucks says that people are still going to complain about the special effects, even if they do return to the old-school method for this film.
Wow, it has been so long, I would love to see a fourth Indy film!
Wasn't there a Christmas Special or something where he has a kid and they celebrate "Life Day" and he marries Marion Ravenwood?
I hope his dad (Sean Connery) is back too!
Sounds credible. there are many other sites reporting the same story...
Maybe, but you have to remember the Internet has become the electronic version of the National Enquirer--they'll take any story and post and re-post it anywhere, whether it's true or not. :unsure
Wait, they made an Indy two and three? When was this?! :rolleyes

The Bermuda triangle area has averaged fewer ship and aircraft losses than other similarly-sized areas of the US coastline. Most of the "in perfect weather" sinkings actually occurred during storms. In many of the "without any debris being found" cases, debris was actually found.

There's nothing to explain. It's just a meme.
Personally I'm looking forward to the Williams adaptation of the Barry Manilow song. That should be stirring.
Big gas bubbles, methane IIRC. I mean BIG. Saw a special that demonstrated it could sink ships and bring down planes. Yes, planes.

I've been know to knock a few small birds out of the sky after a couple of chili dogs - so yeah I'll buy that!

Yeah, I don't know how Harrison can show disgust when asked about the Star Wars movies, yet act proud of the Crystal Skull. It's mind blowing.
Here is my visual take on it:






Sorry for the disturbing images,

I probably will be the first one in line to see it though.

