Interest Indiana Jones Last Crusade Grail Shield

Wow... I've seen this title a few times, but never looked inside... Holy crap that's awesome.

Can't get in on this run, but if the molds come out of storage again down the line, I'd likely jump on.

Great work!
Got mine. Arrived safe and sound.

It's perfect, awesome, amazing, totally rocks.

Thank you so much for doing these again.

You rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a pity I'm not in the states for this, would you ever consider doing maybe a scaled down version for international shipping?
Or possibly made in two halves for sending and reassembled in some way for display?.
This looks so cool, nice work on these.
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I'm interested if you do a another run or if any are available,would look good Gordon,with my lions at the crescent moon etc.
Nice work on the shield
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Okay, If I can get enough interest (say around 10) I may do another run. Please post here.

Price will still be $150 for the shield and of course shipping has gone up since last time. You can expect shipping in the U.S. to be somewhere around $45 and Shipping outside the U.S. will start somewhere around $70. Again, shipping to Australia is near impossible. As is, shipping is over $300 and to get it in a smaller package (multiple pieces) would be way to much of a rework.


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