"Injustice"-style Nightwing Escrima Sticks (WIP)


New Member
Hey guys, Nexas here. I'm a big fan of the game "Injustice: Gods Among Us"; both for the actual game, and for the character/prop designs. I'm also a Nightwing fan and completely new to prop-building. All of this leads to me attempting to build the escrima sticks that Nightwing uses in the game. That being said, the finished props won't look exactly like the ones used in game, mainly due to there being three or four designs for those things scattered throughout it, a fact which I'm using as an excuse to do an interpretation of the design that's in line with that style.

Now, I've already been working on this for a few weeks on and off, and made a fair bit of progress.
escrima sticks v1.jpg
Now, this picture is about halfway through what the build would be, and I think it looks alright for a first attempt. Unfortunately, on the sides of the handgrips you can't see here, there is a fairly ugly seam of sorts where the strips of foam meet. Being that I can't think of a good way to make that seam go away, coupled with my plan to redo these sometime with metal instead of PVC pipe.....well, I'm dropping version 1.0 up there and moving on to that.

So, long story short, the build that I'll be posting about here (probably), will be the metal ones, and not the PVC ones that I'm pretty much abandoning. Progress on those will hopefully be coming very soon.

*Looking at this now, this was a pretty long post to say pretty much nothing. Oh, well.*
If I remember correctly, I believe I saw some sort of glow on the end of the sticks. You might have to incorporate some LEDs and batteries. I also love the game
Small update, I guess; Picked up the pipe earlier today, and will soon begin the few hours of hacksawing it will take to cut them to size. Why hacksaw? Because I'm poor and lack pipe cutting tools.

If I remember correctly, I believe I saw some sort of glow on the end of the sticks. You might have to incorporate some LEDs and batteries. I also love the game

Yeah, there's definitely a glow there. However I'm torn on actually doing it or not. See, for whatever reason, whenever I make a weapon (replica or not) something in me just has to have it be functional--hence the change to metal. Lights would be awesome, but might break if I ever hit something. If I could find a way to protect them, then I'd do it in a heart-beat.
what about a resin cap ontop of the sticks to protect the led lights. Maybe out of epoxy or polyurethane? which ever is clearer (havnt started to work still doing R&D on everything before beginning) Resin apparently comes in different levels of resilience so I would imagine that it would be something you should consider. If you havnt already.
The lights are definitely something I'll think about, but no promises. That being said, suggestions for ways to work it out are always welcome. And before I call it a day, I got the pipe cut. (Only took about half as long as I thought)

escrima sticks v2 size.jpg

They're a bit shorter than the first ones, about 19 inches. The other sticks seemed just a bit too long.

And just to test them out I figured I better do a basic Nightwing combo......and make a gif of it.

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Just to clarify for the few who care about this; the project is by no means dead. I've had a good deal going on lately, and I'm also working on getting my hands on the leather for the hand-grips. Might take me a bit to get some progress in, but it's not dead.
Okay, getting the leather didn't work out, so the hand grips will have to wait for a bit. However, I have managed to start some progress on the end-caps.
metal escrima caps.jpg

For the tops, I'm using steel caps that--unfortunately--don't quite have the shape I need. So, enter the dremel. About an hour and a few sanding heads later, I ended up with this.
metal escrima cap comparison.jpg

One the left is my current sanding progress, and the right is what it looked like when I started. I'm not quite there (I need to smooth it out some still, try to get rid of the "China" on each, etc), but I think it's a good representation of the shape the top caps will end up having. The bottom cap in the picture above is the same one I used for my first attempt, and should turn out looking about the same when I'm done. ......I'm still bitter about not getting to work on the grips, by the way.


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So, the odyssey of getting the stupid leather is finally over. So, as a test, I got some strips cut to size, and with some help from someone who can actually stitch things to other things, got a mock-up of a section of the hand grip.
escrima hand grip test.jpg

And the side with the stitches.
escrima hand grip stitches.jpg

The two strips don't quite match up, but I know it'll never be perfect, so I won't stress too much about that. The positioning also doesn't reflect where the grip will start/end. I just wanted to see what the strips would look like and how well they would hold to the pipe without any kind of adhesive--which would be "surprisingly well". (Oh, and the color's obviously not there either. The grip will hopefully look like the grip in version 1)
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And here's a mock-up of all the leather pieces that will be on each stick.

From the "front", if a cylindrical object can have a "front".
escrima mock grip.jpg

And the theoretical "back"
escrima mock grip stitching.jpg

The stitching in the final product should be a bit tighter, thus a little more professional-looking.
Back from the dead, people! A few days ago I got the feeling that there was something I needed to finish, and lo and behold, I actually made some progress. However, I must warn you, this has definitely turned into an "inspired-by" build more than a replica, and leans toward the "practical" side of things. To be blunt, they exist for actually hitting things rather than being a display piece.

escrima new.jpg

Originally, I'd wanted the hand-grip itself to be a blue-ish color, but I couldn't find a shade of blue fast enough in order to stick with the idea (If I manage to get momentum with a project, I usually lose all patience and need to get things done). So, now the color scheme is a simple black and silver. I still have the back end-cap to work on, but the rest of it looks pretty much how it will when finished.
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