Master Member
:cool The Iron man 2 trailer is here!
Holy crap that was awesome :eek
:cool The Iron man 2 trailer is here!
Holy crap that was awesome :eek
They seem to be surrounded by Iron Men.
Remember that each one of these movies is a setup for AVENGERS! Nick Fury was introduced in IM1, Tony Stark showed up in Hulk 2, S.H.I.E.L.D was introduced in on and so on!
I wouldn't be surprised if the last three minutes of IM2 after the credits end we see a teaser with Cap or Thor.
I wouldn't be surprised if the last three minutes of IM2 after the credits end we see a teaser with Cap or Thor.
:cool The Iron man 2 trailer is here!
I knew from the last act of Iron Man that this movie would suck... and, boy, was I right!?
And what was up with that trailer? Pretty freakin' amateur! It's like they attached three completely different teasers together to make one mediocre trailer.
"Now with 40% more bigness!"
And Mikey's accent is just plain dopey. It's Boris and Natasha vs Iron Man .
I can't tell if you're being serious or being silly.
It would be like saying Batman and Robin was going to suck because of how Batman Forever ended.