Iron Man II -May 7-

Anyone notice the Mark V suit? (the one Stark is wearing)

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Remember that each one of these movies is a setup for AVENGERS! Nick Fury was introduced in IM1, Tony Stark showed up in Hulk 2, S.H.I.E.L.D was introduced in on and so on!

I wouldn't be surprised if the last three minutes of IM2 after the credits end we see a teaser with Cap or Thor.

Most likely we'll see something to do with Thor, they teased at Cap during Hulk. Maybe the actor doing Blake will cameo saying he has a problem only IM can help with.
I knew from the last act of Iron Man that this movie would suck... and, boy, was I right!?

And what was up with that trailer? Pretty freakin' amateur! It's like they attached three completely different teasers together to make one mediocre trailer.

I can't tell if you're being serious or being silly.
I'm only going to see this because my little Scarlett is in it but this thing looks pretty paint by numbers. The beginning middle and end are pretty much spelled out right there. I'd love it if they killed Stark at the end of the movie and added to the mystery of Avengers on how he is brought back.

And Mikey's accent is just plain dopey. It's Boris and Natasha vs Iron Man .
If you say so dude. What I can't see is how you can try to make such a dismissive prediction based on a movie that isn't the movie you're dismissing, and a 3 minute trailer. It would be like saying Batman and Robin was going to suck because of how Batman Forever ended.