As far as I know the rumors are the Master Replicas and Museum Replicas are both coming out with a Film version. I've also heard that Museum Replicas is coming out with a modern version of the Silver Age on the horizon.
A Museum Replicas rep @ SDCC 2007 told me that they had plans to make all three of the helmets in the movie (Mk I, Mk II (Iron Mongler ?) and the Mk III (the red and gold)).As far as I know the rumors are the Master Replicas and Museum Replicas are both coming out with a Film version. I've also heard that Museum Replicas is coming out with a modern version of the Silver Age on the horizon.
So Master Replicas will be making an Iron Man helmet??? interesting.
Really good helmet Nice clean details.
From the photo beside the Clone trooper i se that you and me have different sizes of the mask. I really look forward to se your progress on your suit. Its one of my favourit versions.