JFcustom's FOAM files

Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

it just means that what you're asking is a bit of a personal question, isn't it?
The only person who needs to know is JF, and his accountant :D
Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

man your work is soooo awesome !
did you think of molding one of your suit to make rigid copies ? would be awesome !
your foam work is even more detailed and smooth as a lot of regular pep work !
Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

Damned, you all want my hide! ;)

I take note though. Hope you're not in the hurry.

Would it be too much trouble for you to make a free deathstroke mask\helmet from arkham origins?
Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

Finally got to try your Anubis Stargate helmet. Thank you as usual sir!


  • SAM_0493.JPG
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Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

Hey there jf customs you have alot of good helmets but can u do a wolverine cowl for foam ive been working on designs but just keep coming up short please help thank you
Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

Not into Ironman yet !! But now thinking of giving it a try some day. with your ideas looks like anything is possiable...Great work !
Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

Just curious, what happened to the N7 armour files?
Unless I missed them, to which I'm sorry, but I'd love to get my hands on some of those.
These files are all so amazing JF and have totally inspired to to get onto some foam building, after I'm back form my holidays in September that is.
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Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

Perhaps I'll ask here instead of starting a new thread. Searches weren't helpful in determining if there's a thread for this either.

In builders' opinions, which of the Iron Man builds would be best suited to a first-time foam suit crafter? I've built full suits in the distant past (AV-98 Ingram about 20 years ago and Z Gundam maybe 25 years ago), primarily out of rigid foamcore board, so I'm not at all a newbie when it comes to costuming in general.

My personal preference would be the Mk VII or the Mk VI; I see a lot of Mk IVs here. I'm not interested in the adaptations of comic book suits like Extremis or Ultimate at this time.
Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

Hey there!

Tried to post a bit ago and crashed, so if this dupes, sorry... What I was trying to post was something I ran across tinkering with foam building and sealing. You mentioned the bathroom sealer above, but I ran across a rubber spray that's ment for sealing cracks around the house. It works well with Plasti-Dip, takes primer and paint very well and, most of all, is both flexible AND sandable when fully cured.

Here's a pic:
Rust-Oleum 265494.jpg

It really needs a full day to cure or it's gummy. But, give it time and it sands really well with my detailer or even better if you have a drill with a foam disc attachment. I find it really useful to layer with Plasti-Dip for evening out seams and filling unwanted gaps.

Might be an option for some to explore. Happy building! :)
Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

Just wanted to chime in and say thanks for doing this. Some really great tips in here!
Re: FOAM speed building files ►Jango FETT helmet◄ added.

That Spacemarine is awesome. How much foam did you use at a guess?